by Richard Crockett
A recently published proposal by US Sailing suggests that for the 2024 Olympics the Finn and 470 dinghies and RS:X board be replaced with new equipment and events.
The Olympic sailing classes is always an intensely passionate debate, with this proposal being no different as reaction from around the world will be passionate and interesting to say the least.
One will need to read the full report before commenting, but their proposal to remove two dinghy and a board class is replaced by this:
• Mixed Kite Triathlon- equipment criteria: a twin tip board with a foiling option: i.e., convertible, with the capability of a wide range of sailor sizes able to compete. Series production of equipment to control cost of purchase and equipment compliance.
• Mixed Team Racing- equipment criteria: Provided 2 person (main, jib) dinghies suitable for team racing, crew weight minimums equalized by requirement to carry weight (water) if under the minimum, no trapeze, no spinnaker.
• Mixed Offshore Keelboat- equipment criteria: capable of Offshore sailing for 2 people to race for 48 hours. Category 2, Offshore Special Regulations.
The US Sailing submission to World Sailing will be considered at the May meeting in London to consider Olympic Events and Equipment for 2024.
Read the full proposal HERE: USA 2024 Olympic proposal