by SAILING Gybeset’s on-water roving reporters
The reports below have been cobbled together from all the reports posted on the SAILING Gybeset and SAILING Magazine facebook pages as the race unfolded – in real time.
Racing will not start before 13h00 today as light winds are expected and unlikely to fill in until that time. The triangular course will be sailed.
The wind is expected to be in the west today.
Well for those wanting to know what is happening off Simonstown, the 11h00 start was postponed until 13h00. It looks as if the wind is still light and shifty, so the start has been further delayed.
The wind is in the 8-10 knot region from the West and the sea is flat – so the light weather teams should be licking their chops with glee. But with the vagaries of the wind and the weather patterns sweeping across the Cape, there could still be some big gusts – so simply time will tell!
Let’s hope that there are not the massive shifts that plagued race 1.
There has also been some quite heavy rain.
The course today is the equilateral triangle – a difficult course for the Race Officer and mark layers to set, and the competitors to sail.
Some boats received damage yesterday. We do know that the UCT boat was holed and took water yesterday, but that has now been repaired. The ZVYC team also sustained damage which has also been repaired.
It was interesting to learn that there is an International Judge by the name of Peter Copper officiating. He did spot a mass error in terms of rule 49 when on the water yesterday, and has warned that from today penalties will be applied. This rule refers to ‘Crew Positions and Lifelines’. It is a rule ALL competitors, whether in this event or not, should become accustomed to as it appears few know the correct interpretations in regard to the rule. So get a rule book and read it!
The Race Tracker is the best I have seen locally, so go to and follow the link. You won’t be sorry.
It is unlikely that the race will start before 13h30. The wind is currently blowing 5 knots from the ENE, but is expected to increase to between 5 & 15 knots.
The AP is down, so the fleet is under starters orders. The course has been laid… so fire up the trackers and enjoy – it’s going to be an afternoon of no work!
The race has started. Good tight start with HBYC and FBYC having good starts. RCYC has been forced to the right. It’s anyones guess as to which side will pay best as the fleet was split – but now all going right. Watch this space
There is more pressure on the right. RCYC and ZVYC are in the stronger breeze and going faster than the others
There is a big lift on the right. The fastest boat on the water according to the tracker is FBYC who is going up the middle and looking good. But let’s see when they tack…
RCYC is the first boat to tack and now going left. Will she pass ahead of FBYC? That’s close – too close to tell from the tracker. It’s going to be a hard fought race. Looks as if FBYC ducked the RCYC stern.
FBYC has pulled out a small but significant lead. POYC and HBYC up near the front. Close to the weather mark (1) so hang in for the roundings…
weather mark (1).
ZVYC trying to go to weather of RNYC. Both teams hiking hard. Only 2 boat lengths in it
Mark 2. FBYC has a good lead and is the fastest boat downwind and rounds 1st followed by:
FBYC was 1min 26 sec ahead at mark 2. That’s a good lead – must be because it is the helmsman’s (Steve du Toit) birthday today!!
Leeward mark (3). RCYC has passed ZVYC and now chasing RNYC and FBYC. Closing in on the leeward mark – so watch this space…!
Leeward mark (3) roundings:
FBYC with a good lead of 1min 56
RNYC defending well against RCYC in 3rd
RCYC has chosen to tack away at the mark so as not to sail in close proximity and dirty wind to the others. RCYC now back on the same tack as the others. A good move from ‘the master’ as he now has clear air
FBYC has tacked onto starboard and going back into the course. She has the best boatspeed as well so expect her to increase her lead over the fleet.
The course has been swung to port due to a shift. The wind has gone lighter and now 3-4 knots.
Appears that ZVYC is battling for boatspeed.
FBYC has tacked – although she does not look as if she is on the layline. Interesting as RCYC has also tacked and will not lay the can. I guess that they are hoping for a wind shift in their favour.
The boys on the water say FBYC has judged their approach ‘spot on’. Let’s see?
There is a rain cloud over Muizenburg which has brought a little more breeze and a shift to the left. No 5-6 knots.
FBYC rounded first having laid it without bother! She has an awesome and handsomely healthy lead over the fleet. Over 2 minutes ahead.
RNYC 2.01 minutes behind.
PYC 3.55 behind with a good hoist and then UCTYC with an even better hoist
Mark 2 gybes mark – 2nd time.
FBYC going fast and still with better boatspeed than the rest.
RNYC & RCYC in ding-dong battle with RCYC trying to get an inside overlap, but not succeeding.
Wind has increased to around 12-14 knots. There is a massive gap between 7th spot and the rest of the fleet – although the action is at the front where the battle is on for 2nd – as FBYC would have to make a huge mistake to relinquish this lead – and the birthday boy will not get his cake if he does!!!
FBYC around the leeward mark for the second time and on her third beat. She dropped her spinnaker early and have opted for a jib up this leg. There is rain on the course and building pressure in the squalls.
Followed by:
RNYC who have closed the gap by 15 seconds.
RCYC close up on RNYC and now just a 10 second gap separates them. These two will have fun ‘n games up this beat.
Another wind shift and with it a change of course to keep the course true to the wind.
An on-water reporter has just reported lots of rain and the fact that he will be out of coms as it is too wet to send the updates. We’ll keep pulling info from as many sources as possible to keep all those loyal followers updated.
FBYC approaching the weather mark and has tacked on the layline and is quickly back up to top speed – best speed in the fleet.
FBYC 1st
RCYC and RNYC having a keen tussle with ZVYC sneaking up fast. Who will come out ahead at the mark? It is….
it is RCYC now in 2nd with ZVYC and RNYC in a titanic rounding battle that saw ZVYC get ahead – but only just. Would love to have been at the mark to see and hear what was going on!
Gybe mark.
RCYC 1.28 behind. Can the FBYC team hold off Davis and win? They should, but this is a funny sport at times and Davis and his team are very wiley competitors. Watch this space…
Interesting to note that HBYC has been flying a protest flag since the race began. Who is going to ‘the room’ tonight???
Leeward mark for the final time.
FBYC ahead by 2.19
RCYC has just executed penalty turns just before the mark. Now what did he do wrong, and to whom??? Yet they still stayed ahead of the 3rd boat.
Some interesting tactics up the final beat. The RNYC and PYC boats have gone left. What do they know that the rest of the fleet, and locals, don’t?
UCTYC appears to have pulled up close to RCYC.
Now I need to add a correction. Their turns at the leeward mark were not penalty turns. Instead they picked up kelp and had to strike their spinnaker early and reverse out of it as their opposition charged down on them. Apologies for the incorrect info.
What a titanic duel between RCYC and ZVYC with just a couple of boatlengths in it.
FBYC has sailed an impeccable race and well deserve their victory. Well done to all – and the birthday boy – enjoy your cake!
It appears that they too have a protest flag up? Not sure why.
2nd RCYC
3rd ZVYC
4th RNYC
Lipton Cup – race 2 – race updates
by SAILING Gybeset’s roving on-water reporters
Provisional overall results after 2 races, and BEFORE any protests are:
What a great race. Thanks to the guys on the water for the info and helping to keep everyone at home in the loop and informed.
More of the same tomorrow – so stay tuned to SAILING Gybeset and SAILING Mag.
Lipton Cup – day 2 & overall results – PROVISIONAL