Greta Thunberg Completes Her Zero-emission Atlantic Crossing

Greta Thunberg completed her zero-emission Atlantic Crossing when she arrive in New York.

Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has arrived in New York City after a two-week sail across the Atlantic aboard the high-tech racing yacht ‘Malizia II’. Upon arrival, the sailboat was met by Torqeedo-powered electric boats to assist and escort the 60-ft sailboat to its final berth in Manhattan.

“We’re supporting Team Malizia as the voyage sends an important message that, wherever you go, there is always a low-carbon option,” said Dr. Christoph Ballin, CEO and co-founder of Torqeedo.

Torqeedo-powered electric boats assisted with undocking and travelling safely out of the harbour when ‘Malizia II’ shoved off from Plymouth, U.K., on August 14. Upon arrival in New York, Torqeedo again provided electric boats, including two tenders powered by Deep Blue 50 kW outboards and an inflatable harbour support vessel, to assist with manoeuvring through New York Harbour’s busy shipping channels and docking in lower Manhattan’s North Cove Marina.

The ‘Malizia II’ was also accompanied through the harbour by a small fleet of boats with sails representing the United Nations sustainability goals, and well-wishers on land and water, welcoming Greta to the United States.

“We are honoured to help Greta with her mission and to play a part in calling attention to the threat posed by global warming and the need to develop alternative non-carbon mobility solutions,” said Boris Herrmann, skipper of Team Malizia. “We are grateful that Torqeedo helped us in our mission to complete this journey emission-free”.

The team faced the typical challenges of a transatlantic voyage; including periods of heavy weather and the calms of the Sargasso Sea, but escaped many of the perils that could come from crossing against the prevailing winds during the Atlantic hurricane season.

“We congratulate Team Malizia and Greta on their zero-carbon transatlantic crossing,” said Ballin, “and hope that their symbolic journey inspires people on both sides of the Atlantic to make progress towards climate-neutral mobility.”

Greta Thunberg arriving in New York.

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