“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. ‘Nick-of-time’ Tracy Nearly Missed the Boat

By Richard Crockett

We all know the old adage about an army marching on its stomach – yachties are no different as once they leave dry land and step aboard a yacht they develop voracious appetites. Who knows why?

We are talking here about the ‘80s before the advent of freeze dried food and the lightweight nutritious “meals in a bag” yachties scoff at sea today. Back in the day food at sea came from tins and fresh supplies as long as they lasted.

So one can imagine the consternation amongst the crew aboard Padda Kuttel’s ‘Atlantic Privateer’ when the cook, Tracy Edwards, nearly missed the boat at the start of the second leg of the Whitbread Round the World Race.

Quick-thinking race officials and Customs & Immigration officials efficiently sorted the problem out minutes before the yacht left the dock.

One can only wonder how the crew would have fared without Tracy?

And one can only wonder whether the same co-operation from Customs Officials would prevail today – unless of course plied with copious amounts of KFC and more!


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