by Richard Crockett
Today we continue with the Admiral’s Cup thread by covering the 1973 event where our South African team finished 12th out of 16 teams.
The yachts used were Hans Berker’s ‘Omuramba’, ‘Jakaranda’ skippered by Bobby Bongers, and ‘Outburst’ skippered by Bill O’Reilly.
The team were as follows:
1973 TEAM MANAGER: Pim Penso
H. Berker (Owner/Skipper) Team Captain.
Lt.-Cdr. D. Joyce (Navigator)
P. Muzik .
P. Cardwell (from Durban ).
J. Kipps.
Gotz Klohn (from Windhoek).
B. Bongers (Skipper).
J . Fletcher (Navigator)
D. Abromowitz.
C. Tattersall.
D. Cox.
Phil Fraser.
D. Bongers.
P. Wade.
W. O’Reilly (Skipper).
Lt. A. Cole (Navigator).
K. Bellamy.
J . Johnson.
F. Unite.
G. Meek .
B. Barbour
READ THE FULL REPORT HERE: 1973 09 – SA Yachting – S&A – OCR