“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. 505s in Lourenco Marques

by Richard Crockett

Again today I share the 505 thread, but sadly no new pics as I have not completed the scanning and editing process yet.

Today it’s time to recall the 1969 505 Nationals sailed in Lourenco Marques, and which was again won by Dave and Alan Hudson who won again. This is how the opening few paragraphs read:

Competitors in the 505 National Class Week run jointly with the F.D. Winter championships at Lourenco Marques hoped for the usual round of warm weather, plentiful prawns and good racing which are characteristic of Lourenco Marque in July. With only one race a day scheduled for the six-race series it was felt that ample leisure time would be available for the enjoyment of the “‘dolce vita” of this hospitable gathering of the clans.

In retrospect it can fairly be said that most of these hopes and plans were realised, reported Bud Olive, secretary of the T.P.S.A.

The first five races were sailed in good, consistent winds on well-laid Olympic courses. The sixth race on Saturday was abandoned with the arrival of the “Vento do Sul” south wind at dawn, part of an overall gale pattern southwards down the coast, and the start of a cold snap which sent temperatures tumbling in the interior. By then, however, the series in each case had been pretty well decided, and the decision to abandon enabled competitors to make an early start on boat packing and departure plans.

READ THE FULL REPORT HERE:  1969 08 – SA Yachting -000273 – OCR

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