“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. 25 New Full Colour Dabchick Pics.

By Richard Crockett

Besides the black & white Dabbie pics in my archives there is a smattering of full colour slides and prints too. Most of these are now scanned and 25 posted today for all to enjoy.

Sadly none of the slides come with captions or any details on venue, date and the people sailing them. So please let me have details in order to update each and every pic (Info to editor@sailing.co.za) or online.

The last few pics were scanned from colour prints, all badly faded, but after some colour correction they don’t look too bad despite the originals not being of the best quality.

Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT and tag Dabbie sailors you may know.

More pics tomorrow as well as some old reports from the magazines.

Craig Lanham-Love having just scooted thropugh the lee of Arthur Goldsmith. Craig is the new holder of the 1979 Dabchick championships and is following his elder brother Alec’s streak of wins in 1975 and 1976.
Mike Vulliamy in action aboard D1947. Western Province regatta.
Alec Lanham-Love gybing during the Western Province champs.
1975 Dabchick nationals. Graham Robertson – 4th placed skipper in the Oppie Western Province regatta crewing with Bobby Lanham-Love. This with no exception is about the lightest the wind blew in the Nationals, and that was only for two of the races.
1975 Dabchick nationals. Bryce Ward in D2347.
Alec “Bones” Stone battling the conditions in D2682.  Possibly Western Province champs?
1975 Dabchick nationals. One of the two light weather races.
1975 Dabchick Nationals. A pre-race warm-up with Alec Lanham-Love using his younger brother’s suit of sails to try out the Cape winds.
1975 Dabchick nationals. Alec Lanham-Love – D2884.






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