“Talking Sailing”from My Archives. Tabarly the National Hero of France

Pen Duick VI .

by Richard Crockett

With ‘Jakaranda’ out of the Whitbread Race after just one leg, the South African interest no doubt waned, despite this being an epic race. Fortunately SA Yachting magazine covered the race in full.

Their December 1973 issue opened like this: “We close up the magazine for December with Tabarly and Pen Duick VI finishing way ahead of the rest of the Whitbread Round the world fleet in the second leg of the great race – surely one of the finest feats of relentless seamanship ever recorded in ocean racing. This magnificent come-back after the disaster of losing his mast only 3 000 miles out in a 30 000-mile race, must firmly restore him as a national hero in France. And rightly so. He predicted before he left Cape Town a 30-day passage through the Roaring Forties – and he and his fighting-fit crew simply went out and did just that …”.

What’s not more compelling but to read more?

READ MORE HERE:  1973 12 – SA Yachting – OCR

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