My apologies for the long delay since my last column. Deadlines have been particularly severe recently, and these coupled to the fact that I have been publishing an autobiography for an 87 year-old, have taken up all my time.
The nation is in mourning following Nelson Mandela’s death. He brought us that precious commodity called freedom. I well remember ‘the dark days’ when our yachties we were banned from the Olympics and all international competition. In those days one had to slide quietly into the host country and sail ‘under the radar’ often not filling out the space on the entry form which stated from which country you were. Sometimes competitors were expelled from events. It was tough as generations of our top yachties were unable to unleash their talents on the world stage.
Today, thanks largely to Madiba, our yachties can compete wherever they like.
I felt the following post on Facebook by my son on hearing of Madiba’s passing is appropriate for us seafaring folk:
I am standing upon that foreshore, a ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean.
She is an object of beauty and strength and I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come down to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says, “there! she’s gone!”
“Gone where?” “Gone from my sight, that’s all”, she is just as large in mast and spar and hull as ever she was when she left my side; just as able to bear her load of living freight to the place of her destination.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her.
And just at that moment when someone at my side says, “there! she’s gone!” there are other eyes watching her coming and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, “here she comes!”
And that is dying. Bishop Brent
“The challenge of leadership is to be strong but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humour, but without folly.” Jime Rohn
That sums up Nelson Mandela well.
The Birth of A New Sailor
Congratulations to Roger and Lucia Hudson who announced that Benjamin Beresford Hudson had arrived on 22 November. Weighing in at 3.23kgs – ‘and with the feet of a Finn sailor!’ having been born into a legendary sailing family, we are sure to hear more about this young lad in the future.
Dinghy Sailing
One of the agenda points at a recent SAS WC Dinghy Sub-Committee meeting was as follows:
“Sailing at dinghy clubs is currently at an all time low. How do we change this? It appears that the needs and time available of our sailors has changed – do we need to radically look at what clubs offer?”
The traditional answer is to phone around all the boat owners and get them to attend an event, but this does not tend to have a lasting effect. Do we need to change our racing to a week day evening (e.g. two 45-minute races on Tuesday evening and finished by 20h00). This is similar to trail running and then have selective weekend racing with most of the weekend sailing dedicated to training and social sailing?
Peter Hall, SAS National Councillor and Western Cape Dinghy Chairman, said the following:
“My view is that the format does need to change. However sailing needs to make it an attractive proposition for people to invest their time and money in. I was at a diner party the other night where one of the people was telling me how expensive sailing was, but later in the evening told us about his new R70k mountain bike that he had bought! With regard to entry fees, it cost R45,900 to enter a two man team in the ABSA Cape Epic (7 days of racing). This was sold out within minutes! Sailing is cheap!!!!
I believe we need to promote exciting boats to sail, be aware of people’s time needs initially, but also include the sailing/racing offer for those that want more and as the sport builds in stature we will have more people committing more time to sailing. Make the clubs really fun places to be for all (i.e. not just the sailors, supporters, family, sponsors), and run the sport on a very professional basis.”
Hall is a man who is bringing fresh thoughts and ideas to dinghy sailing in the Western Cape, and who is not afraid to voice his opinions on the real and thorny issues that face our sport. These are sometimes swept under the carpet as they are quite simply too contentious for some people to address.
Well done Peter Hall! Now, let’s have some reader feedback on the subject.
My tuppence worth is the perception of dinghy sailing being too expensive. In fact, the actual cost participation is not expensive as many clubs do not charge for the races they put on. The real costs come in terms of the boats, and this is where the sport in this country is throttled.
Modern, fast and sexy dinghies are the norm in the rest of the world, but with our exchange rate, and the small numbers in the sport, it is well nigh impossible to establish a new class in the country as there are simply not enough people to purchase the number of boats required. The result is that we continue to sail ‘vintage dinghies’ with the result being that we lose talented young people to the sport as they want speed, excitement and sex-appeal in a dinghy.
Let’s face it, when last was a really strong class of dinghy launched in this country? By strong class I mean a class with sufficient boats spread across the country in numbers to make competition meaningful? Was it the Laser? If so, that was in the late ‘70s or early ‘80s! What since then?
Time is also a major issue as sailing is a half-day or full-day sport – and sometimes all weekend too. It’s then also weather dependent – and at times, having set the time aside, the wind blows too hard or not at all, so sailing is not possible. That alone puts people off, especially those with limited time frames and who plan their time with military-like precision. It’s also why ‘Vigin Active’, cycling, running and many other sports become more attractive as one has fewer restrictions in terms of the time needed.
Reader feedback on this important subject is welcome.
The Dabchick
I have corresponded with Warwick Ham, a leading figure in the promotion of the ‘dabbie’, for a long time now. Just recently in correspondence with Ham I lamented the fact that the Dabbie was turned from a two-man boat to a singlehanded boat. I have always felt that this was one of the biggest mistakes sailing’s administrators have made, especially as I learnt to sail when the boat was exclusively two-up.
His thoughts on the subject are very interesting:
Thanks for the support and encouragement. I am currently sanding down and repairing an old wooden Dabbie which was neglected and then donated to the class. My son currently sails a glass boat, but I cannot just let this old boat rot away and die. I am sure some kid will value the boat and learn to sail on it before moving it on to someone else.
Unfortunately I did not have the privilege of learning to sail in a Dabchick. I messed around in an old Tack, single handed, because I preferred to be alone on the boat whenever the Highveld storms were approaching Vaal Dam, so I could enjoy the feeling on my own.
We are trying to revive “two up” sailing in the Dabchick class and will hopefully be able to hand out the “Two-up” trophy again this year at Nationals.
Regarding your comment that the single handed sailing era in the Dabchick was a bad decision. Obviously the status quo when one first gets exposed to a new sport, schooling system, music, anything, for the first time, seems to be better than what follows, especially when this status quo is changed, because we all feel uncomfortable with change.
However I believe the move to single handed sailing in the Dabchick class heralded a new era of high speed sailing, self learning and confidence from the competitor, just as the old era of two-up sailing helped sailors to work together as a team and learn the benefit of teamwork. I think there is merit in both and we just have to work on making “two-up” sailing cool especially for the smaller kids, and the concept will grow. This will help get more and younger sailors into the Dabchick class, and that is something we sorely need.
I have seen many different types of personalities in both the Oppie and Dabbie classes and some of them prefer to sail with a friend, whereas others prefer to sail on their own.
The Dabchick as a boat must have the right ingredients and the class association must be doing something right because we are still arguably the second strongest youth class in the country even after 57 years of development in sailing dinghy design. There is some magic in the boat and in the class members which draws in others in spite of the many other influences gradually weakening the sport of sailing.
I am looking forward to seeing more than 60 Dabchicks on the water during the 60th Anniversary Dabchick Nationals which we will be holding in 2016.
If you still know where your old boat is, why not flush it out and make sure it is on the water in 2016! (D1106 I am sure is long gone as we are talking the late ‘60s!).
Sail the Best!
Warwick Ham
Now here’s a man with his head screwed on and who is making a difference to our sport. Keep it up, our sport needs more people like you.
MSC Youth Nationals
In about a week’s time our youth sailors will be competing for the various class ‘national’ titles at Midmar Dam.
These are always hotly contested affairs where lifetime friendships are forged with like-minded people from across the country. The competition is usually healthy and conducted in a sportsmanlike manner.
Sometimes the atmosphere of these events is changed by over zealous parents, often those who have never sailed themselves, who believe that their offspring has been unjustly treated on the water or in the protest room. I must remind these parents, and indeed all parents who will be there, that the sport has a comprehensive rule book that has been fine-tuned over many years, and that protests are simply part of sailing. When handled by competent protest committees, the results are usually fair and correct.
Some years back a New Zealander David Pearce wrote a book entitled ‘How to be a successful Optiparent’. It’s something all parents with kids competing in regattas should read, as it offers excellent advice to every parent irrespective of what their children sail. The fact that it has been written by an Optimist parent is why the class is singled out.
To me, one of the best pieces of advice the book gives is the following extract, in bold and underlined in the book:
‘Leave the coaching to the coaches and maintain your role as a support person. Never question a coach’s decision – if you feel you need to express coaching opinions, go and do the Yachting New Zealand coaching courses. Please don’t interfere with the trained professional – their job is difficult enough as it is without having their judgement questioned’.
I also like the description of OptiParent and OptiKid which is as follows:
‘OptiParent (N): Parent who shares the ownership of an Optimist dinghy and all the hopes and dreams that come with ownership, with one or more OptiKids’.
‘OptiKid (N): Child enjoying the great adventure of learning more about the Optimist every time they go sailing together’.
Sailing, is a ‘great adventure of learning’. It’s a life-skill and a lifetime sport. That’s what makes our sport unique, and so great. Let’s keep it that way during the youth nationals.
Cape to Rio Race
I was recently asked to supply a colleague with the results and elapsed times of the Cape to Rio Race winners (not for races to Salvador or Uruguay). I thought that this would be quite easy, but it in was not as there seems to be nowhere that it is stored. Not even all the names of skippers were easily found.
I managed to cobble the following together in a hurry as time was of the essence, so if any readers can add data to this, it would be appreciated. I will archive the data and make it available to anyone who needs it.
Rio Race
Line Honours Handicap
1 Ocean Spirit 23 00 42 1 Albatross II 26 14 08
2 Greybeard 2 Striana 24 06 23
3 Fortuna 3 Stormy 24 02 29
Line Honours Handicap
1 Stormy 21 12 15 1 Stormy 19 18 20
2 Jakaranda 22 08 51 2 Jakaranda 20 10 47
3 Dabulamanzi 25 11 32 3 Omurambu 21 00 16
Line Handicap
1 Ondine 17 5 35 1 Chica Tica OR was it Guia 3???
2 Cloud Nine
3 Verwoerdburg
Line Honours Handicap
1 Morning Glory 14 14 52 1 Renfreight
2 Nicorette 2 Warrior
Line Honours Handicap
1 Zephyrus 12 16 49 1 Awesome
2 Sagamore 13 03 40 2 Spilhaus
3 Portugal-Brasil 500 3 Silverstream
Line Honours Handicap
1 Nicator (m/hull) 12 23 47 1 Baleka 21 00 21
2 Adenalina Pura 15 08 44 2 Madiba Racing Team 20 13 57
3 Morning Glory 16 08 45 3 Investec 22 01 33
Line Honours Handicap
1 Leopard 10 05 45 1 Rambler
2 Rambler 11 02 55 2 ICAP Leopard
3 Hi-Fidelity 16 15 12 3 Hi-Fidelity
In doing this quick research I came across some interesting facts.
• Sir Peter Blake competed in the 1971 Cape to Rio race aboard Ocean Spirit which took line honours. This was his FIRST major ocean race. Also aboard was Sir Robin Knox-Johnston.
• The SAS Junior Sailor of the Year is awarded the David Butler Trophy. Butler was a Rhodesian (now Zimbabwe) sailing personality who did lots of sailing in this country. He also skippered the 40′ yacht Golden City, (funded by a Johannesburg syndicate of businessmen headed by Donald Ord) in the inaugural Cape Town to Rio race in 1971. The boat was entirely crewed by inland yachtsmen and finished 11th over the line out of a fleet of 72; the final placing on handicap was 7th. She was the second South African boat in and the first non coastal boat from SA, only being beaten by the overall winner Albatross from Knysna.
But, what I did find interesting is that Butler’s Flying Fifteen was left at the Jacana Yacht Club on Lake McIllwaine, and now forms part of the Bar. Every week end people are reminded of his prowess as a sailor as they drink on the foredeck of “Saluki 1”.
How many yacht clubs in this country have a boat either as part of the bar, or in the bar?
• Boy Scouts. In the 1971 Rio race the Boy Scouts entered Active (SA 29). This was the first ever participation by the Scout Movement in an international ocean yacht race. More importantly a ‘Commemorative Stamp Cover’, signed by all members of the Sea Scout crew was carried across the South Atlantic. Only 50 covers were prepared of which half were offered to the public and another five auctioned for Scout funds.
Does anyone out there have one of these as I am sure there are philatelists and others who would like to see it?
This year the Boy Scouts will compete again aboard Rotary Scout.
In the section ‘Responses from Readers’ is information from a man who has found Active in Namibia and intends to restore her.
Rio Race Censorship
My attention was recently drawn to clause 13.3.3 of the 2014 Cape to Rio Race Notice of Race. It reads as follows:
“Crew members of boats may, prior to, during and after the race, speak or provide material to any media representatives accredited by the Organising Authority, regarding the race and the prospects, performance or strategy of boats entered or participating in the race, subject to any comments and material not undermining or interfering with, or having a detrimental impact on, the Organising Authority and its officers and employees, the Race Committee, the Jury or Protest Committee, measurers or current or former sponsors of the Organising Authority. This approval may be revoked by the Organising Authority in respect of a boat or media representative at any time.”
This is censorship at its worst. It also has absolutely no place in our sport. The organisers should immediately make an amendment to the NOR deleting this clause. There have been so many amendments to the NOR so far, that this should be a mere formality.
Censorship aside, I would hate to see a boat disqualified from the race as someone on board spoke to an unaccredited media person – and that’s a very real possibility.
I can cover any race in the world without this threat, including the America’s Cup and other iconic races around the world without accreditation. Do the organisers have something to hide?
This is a warning to all Cape to Rio Race competitors to be aware of this ruling.
From Norfolk in the USA comes the news that the Somali pirates convicted of killing four Americans aboard a yacht sailing off the Horn of Africa in 2011 have been sentenced to multiple life sentences.
Prosecutors originally sought the death penalty, but the jury that found the men guilty of piracy, hijacking and murder and recommended life sentences instead.
Prosecutors said the hijackers intended to take their hostages to Somalia and hold them for ransom.
After getting a distress signal from the craft, the US Navy dispatched vessels to the Americans’ aid. After four days, during which negotiations between the Navy and the pirates broke down, the pirates fired a rocket-propelled grenade toward one of the Navy vessels, the USS Sterett.
Gunfire broke out on the yacht, and Navy Seals went aboard in an unsuccessful attempt to save the hostages. They died on Feb. 22, 2011.
The pirates were each given 21 life prison sentences, plus 30 years. These multiple, consecutive life sentences imposed send a clear message that piracy, hostage-taking, and murder on the high seas will not be tolerated. 11 others are serving life sentences as well.
Hopefully the punishment metered out will discourage piracy?
Discover Sailing Day
Former Gauteng sailor Peter Lee who now resides in Oz sent me the following on the Sandrigham Yacht Club ‘Discover Sailing Day’:
We think we’ve successfully dispersed a common myth – is that you need to own a boat to participate in sailing within our local community. We had 13 keelboats, 3 RIBS, 12 Pacers and 20 SUPS running non-stop for the 6 hours. 400+ keelboat rides, 300+ RIB rides, 250+ Dinghy rides. This year we had a wonderful turn out, with 386 pre-registrations and another 570 registering on the day.
We have received so much positive feedback from participants and visitors of the day, not only on the day but the emails and phone calls are still streaming through!
We have 48 new members applying on the day, 4 new people registered on our crew register; 3 people registered as Day Pass members on the day, we have people enquiring as to how to become race management volunteers, loads of enquiries about courses and sailing pathways.
To top it off, the weather gods turned it on for all our visitors to enjoy the unrivalled views of Port Phillip Bay, the SYC marina and the Sandringham harbour from the Members’ Bar and Northern deck while listening to Pete Mitchell and later Rob Kirk.
Volunteers are essential to us and fulfill a wide range of roles both on and off the water to help make the sport fun, safe, accessible and affordable for people of all backgrounds, ages and abilities. To all our Discover Sailing Day volunteers…. THANK YOU!!!… for volunteering your very precious time! Everybody was so generous with their skill, knowledge and vessels alike for our Discover Sailing Day Sunday 17 November. Your support ensured the day was highly successful and showed true camaraderie, something that we all pride ourselves on as Sandringham Yacht Club members. With the tremendous contributions of generously donating of their valuable time, showcasing our wonderful facilities, their knowledge, skill and those that could, their yachts, we simply could not have done this without our volunteers!
We hope everyone that was at the Club on Sunday enjoyed meeting new people and most importantly making a positive difference in our community at SYC.
It’s not rocket science, but it does take time to plan and the buy-in of ALL club members to make a successful and meaningful occasion. Which will be the first Club in South Africa to host a “Discover Sailing Day’ in 2014?
Revisiting Trapeze Entanglement
The elctronic sailing media has covered the above issue quite extensively recently as this is a hot topic in the sport. In 2011 a fourteen-year-old girl died when her 420 capsized. She and her skipper capsized and the hook on her trapeze harness got caught on the rigging and prevented her from surfacing.
What followed was a heightened awareness and prevention of trapeze entanglement. Ideas were shared and new standards were implemented. But accidents will continue, as did with the recent death on an 18-foot skiff in Australia.
Much thought has been given and research made on this subject, with some findings as follows:
• It’s standard for the 18-footer class to not require PFDs to be worn as they are found to contribute to entrapment after capsizing. And some experts contend the crew on trapeze boats should always carry a knife as a safety measure for entanglement.
• The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) conducted research into the numbers and contributing factors of entrapments under capsized dinghies. During their study period of 2003-2004, 44 incidents were logged.
Here are some of the findings from the report ‘RYA Research into Dinghy Entrapments March 2005′:
* The most common cause of entrapment was 30% getting ropes tangled around the body or limbs, 30% getting caught on other control lines and straps and 30% involved some part of the trapeze harness.
* The most effective rescue of a trapped sailor is to right the boat as rapidly as possible.
* Sealed masts and masthead buoyancy to have some effect in reducing the speed and likelihood of inversion.
* Modern designs with raised cockpit floor to enable self-draining have less or no air void for sailors trapped in the cockpit when inverted.
*Consideration should be given for trapeze harnesses other than the fixed hook type.
* Keep control lines short and tidy and maintain elastic so it does its job.
* Carry a very sharp, easily accessible, preferably serrated knife.
• Skiff champion and designer Julian Bethwaite says: “The big issue now is that spectra lines float whereas the older ropes would sink. We used to have wire for the trapeze wires, and they would sink, but now the spectra trapeze wires float. The spinnaker halyard floats, which is why in the 29er we have mandated that you have to have a spinnaker halyard gobbler so that the chance of entrapment by a loose halyard on the floor of the boat are significantly reduced. So with an overturned boat, these new lines are all floating. And the hook on the trapeze harness is designed to hook on things.”
Sailing is generally a safe sport, although accidents do happen on occasions. Let’s not over react to the above and become draconian.
Team Racing
I have been updating the Wikipedia article on team racing ( ), particularly the section on history. If you could give this some coverage I should be most grateful – I am sure that there are others who could contribute, particularly on things in the Southern Hemisphere. Anthony Butler (Clare 1961); Senior Secretary, Cambridge University Cruising Club;
From what I know of the origins of team racing in this country, two of our current legal brains who were studying at different universities in the ‘70s founded the Inter-Varsity regatta as a Team Racing event. These guys were Campbell Alexander and Lance Burger. In those days Fireball, Sprogs and Lasers were used.
Maybe Lance and Campbell can enlighten us?
J22 Jiggery Pokery
What’s the ‘Status Quo’? No Champagne Just Yet!
I recently sent a mail to the J22 Class asking for the final results after the appeals lodged during their National Championships many months ago. I did this as it appeared that the matter had been resolved and that the results had been revised. The note I received back was quite simply that no new results had at that point been published.
This, despite the fact that Graham Baker who had been declared the 2013 National Champion, had posted on facebook that Luke Wagner and his crew were in fact the Champions.
Baker posted the following: “Hi all J22 sailors & supporters! As the current holder of the 2013 J22 National Championship Trophy (through default if I may say), I and the crew of ‘US ‘n J’ wish to congratulate the on-the-water winners of Choose Life Performance, Luke Wagner & team! In my opinion they are the deserved winners and must receive the accolades appropriate to a true champion! Cheers, Graham, Shaun & Barry (J22 Us’n J).
Now that’s true sportsmanship – well done Graham. It takes a big man to admit he may not have won the event, and to congratulate the winners.
But why is the class being so slow in releasing the adjusted results, or has this matter not really been resolved?
Will the J22 Class admninistrators make a statement as to the status quo of this matter so that the matter can be put to be bed – finally! They owe it to competitors, sponsors and supporters alike.
Sailing Superstitions
There are many of these superstitions around, with some sailors taking them very seriously. I once sailed with a skipper who was convinced that the colour green was unlucky aboard boats, so anything green would be tossed overboard (today he would cop a penalty for that!). New crew were on occasions relived of their green items which were quickly dispatched to Davy Jones’ locker.
But red may be more dangerous? Well redheads anyway!
Superstition says that it’s best to ‘avoid people with red hair when going to the ship to begin a journey’. Redheads bring bad luck to a ship, which can be averted if you speak to the red-head before they speak to you.
I know some redheads who should not be let near the sport at all, let alone near a boat! You have been warned.
Some Selected Responses to “Talking Sailing”
● The query of who won the Dabchick Nationals in 1980 appears to have been resolved.
Martin Pet was the winner of the 1980 Dabby Championships. Martin Prest won it in 1986.
● The Marin Pet should read Martin Pet. The family lived in Westville and father John was big in the Hobie 14 scene in its heydays. I remember the family quite well mainly because Martin had a rather nice sister!!
● From Andrew Mackie. I just happened to read Talking sailing (8), and just happened to have recently found an old clipping filed many years ago of those 1980 Nationals. It was my first, aged 13, I think. Spioenkop was hot and dusty and the racing miles away from the club house (club house being a generous term – somewhat rustic). The report was written by Gordon Lanham-Love.
Hope you can read the scan. Even the original was not great. But it was Martin Pet who won.
● From Andrew de Vlieg. I can confirm that Martin Pet did win the Dabbie Nationals in 1980 at Spioenkop. He was a PYC member and went on to sail Hobies. He still resides in the Durban area. Mike Matter was 2nd and Dave Hibberd 3rd.
ED. Will the Dabchick Class please make sure that they have the correct information.
● Are you aware of the plague of robberies that is frustrating the keelboat/yachting community at the Vaal dam?
Over a period of about three months now, Vaal Cruising Association, Pennant 9 and Bayshore have been hit repeatedly that I know of, there may be other clubs as well. The thieves have reportedly made off with about 18 auxiliary motors and lots of other goods, like tools, gas stoves, instruments, sleeping bags, just about anything they can get their hands on. The police seem to be powerless to stop this as they don’t even have a boat to use.
My boat has been hit three times, my motor stolen, and other items, so the cost is escalating. I am seriously considering selling her as I cannot take the stress and financial implications anymore. Discussing the matter with the local residents, they seem to have a very good idea who the culprit is, but the police have not taken any action that I know of. I would be very surprised if this is not driving people away from the sport, and it seems we are powerless to stop it…
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED – but what is being done to stop this. Does anyone have any info?
● Love ‘Talking Sailing’ – thanks a million. Could you please tell me what happened to both the America’s Cup yachts Shosholoza? I can find nothing on the web! Hopefully somebody is happily sailing them somewhere – OR – shame, were they broken up as un seaworthy?
ED. Salvatore Sarno says that the boats are in storage in Cape Town. There are no plans for them at the moment.
● Thanks for keeping us up to date. I recently embarked on some madness and bought an old CT faithful called Active. If you recall, she sailed in the first Cape to Rio in 71. I am in the process of relocating her from Walvis Bay to CT (scheduled for the 7th of Jan ’14). I have managed to dig up quite a bit of history and am continuing to do so. Please visit
I will be documenting the journey of her restoration and would like to have as much history as possible. If you have anything in your archives, I would really appreciate it.
If anyone has a spare copy of the ‘71 Cape to Rio race book, I would appreciate hearing from them.
Tony van Niekerk –
● Could you change the mailing address from my wife to me? We are happily married for 30 years, but sailing is allocated to me!
● I enjoy your email but I feel the,”My blood begins to boil ….” is a little harsh. My experience is that sailors don’t always bother to provide their full names. In this instance if the sailor cannot be bothered to give his full name I don’t believe the scorer is required to contact the sailor.
The Bitter End
Censorship! There is no place for this in modern society, nor our sport.
The ‘Bitter End’ is the inboard end of an anchor chain or rode which should be attached to the vessel so as not to be lost overboard in it’s entirety. In terms of “Talking Sailing” it’s things about our sport which get up peoples noses!
“Talking Sailing” is written by Richard Crockett, the Publisher & Editor of SAILING Magazine, South Africa’s monthly sailing mag.
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