“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. William Mann’s Sailing Survey

by Richard Crockett

Modern navigators I often think take for granted the fact that they can simply push buttons to get an accurate position, or follow their progress on a chart plotter that electronically gives them all the information they need on a screen. Few if any probably know how to navigate using a paper chart, parallel rule, pencil and even a sextant.

Sad that.

But way back in 1852 – yip that’s not a typo – William Mann was partly responsible for the navigation chart of False Bay as we know it.

This account, which includes letters he wrote home to his mother in England, is not only a delightful read, but gives one a glimpse of life in the Cape at the time.

READ THE REPORT HERE:  1964 11-12 – pgs 48-49-50 

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