by Richard Crockett
Yesterday I shared the story of just how ‘Voortrekker II’ sunk two days after the start of the Rio Race.
SAILING Magazine asked her designer, Angelo Lavranos, John Martin and Rob Sharp their thoughts and recollections of ‘Trekka II’.
“‘Voortrekker II’ has a rich history in South African sailing and was built by the SA Navy in Simonstown with the dual purpose of training SA Navy sailors and to be available to compete in the Second BOC Around Alone Challenge in 1986.
“With many of South Africa’s older sailors having sailed on board ‘Voortrekker II’, her loss is being felt throughout the sailing community and with her passing I thought it would be appropriate to ask the designer Angelo Lavranos (AL) as well as both John Martin (JM) and Rob Sharp (RS) about their memories of her.”
READ IT ALL HERE: Pages from 2017 02 – SAILING Magazine – OCR