by Richard Crockett
Here’s another small selection of old Vasco da Gama race pics from years gone by.
There’s no real theme to make from these other than the people and boats you see are an elite group of sailors who toughed it out on the race. Some went all the way and finished while others limped home – all being as tough as old sea boots as they raced down the Wild Coast of the South African east coast – and never knowing what Aeolus would throw at them on the way.
Those early days were tough – no real weather forecasts of any consequence to rely on, only synoptic charts to study (if you were clever enough to know what they meant), and NO GPS, just DR and an RDF (radio direction finder).
This is a tough race for tough sailors.
Enjoy the pics and please share names of those who are unknown so that the records can be completed. And COMMENTS are always welcome too.