“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. The Race of the Century

by Richard Crockett

Last night I watched “Untold: The Race of the Century” on Netflix – and wow, what a great movie it is. I recommend that everyone who remember that 1983 America’s Cup series, and the come-back victory by ‘Australia II’ to watch it. This is goose bump stuff, and the very stuff it takes to win the America’s Cup.

I won’t say more so as not to spoil it, other than every young sailor today should also watch it to see just how things were done in the Corinthian days of sailing. Plus, all these years later that fine victory still reduces the crew to tears. It’s lump-in-the-throat stuff!

So, why not share coverage of that America’s Cup final today, it’s the most appropriate time to do it!

I have chosen the final build up to that series, plus the reports on the final races too. This was history in the making as for 132 years the New York Yacht Club had done everything possible to keep the America’s Cup bolted down in the Club premises. Yet a bunch of fine Aussie yachties caused the upset of the century, in a final race dubbed the “race of the century” and upstaged the Americans.

The America’s Cup has never been the same since!

READ THE 1983 AMERICA’S CUP BUILD UP HERE:  Pages from 1983 10 – SA Yachting – OCR

READ THE 1983 AMERICA’S CUP FINAL RACES HERE:  Pages from 1983 11 – SA Yachting – OCR



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