“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. The Backyard Boatyard

By Richard Crockett

This delightful feature, written by Frans Loots, has an important sub-head which is very important and reads: “. . . or, the 15 boat building tips which nobody ever gave you!”

There is an unwritten rule that every man must build at least one boat in his life. And building a big boat is the male equivalent of falling pregnant and giving birth to a child. And so I became pregnant one Spring day a few years ago.

His story is not one of HOW to build a boat. It is perhaps one of how NOT to build a boat. It also deals with the domestic side of backyard boatyard boat building. And a few tips. Not on how to laminate or cut or varnish, but how to overcome the challenges and social pressures around you while you are pregnant with your boat.

There are many good laughs in this feature, and some home truths too.

READ IT HERE:  Pages from 2009 10 – SAILING Magazine – OCR

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