“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. Small Budget, BIG Adventure

by Richard Crockett

With the recent Rio Race fast fading in memories, I thought it appropriate to share this editorial written by Frans Loots when he expressed his bitter disappointment at not being able to secure a berth on the 1979 race to Uruguay. He vowed to do the next race as skipper of his own entry.

He tells a great story which should be a lesson for all, especially the aspiring young sailors out there wanting adventure and an inkling on how to achieve that.

He had been given the use of a Petersen 33, and in Frans’ own words “as anyone with even the slightest sense knew, it was the wrong boat! Even we knew that! Right boat or wrong boat, it did not matter. We were on our way.

“You got a bread roll, a sausage roll: and then there was the “Petersen Roll” said Loots as the Petersen 33 was known for it’s twitchiness and ability to roll like a drunken sailor from days of yore!

There lots of great reading, humour and advice in this feature.

READ IT HERE:  2002 09 – SAILING Magazine – OCR

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