“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. “Planes Hunt 2 S.A. Yachts”

By Richard Crockett

Apologies for the truncated version, but a crashed computer is making life extremely difficult!

“Skipper (71) Guides Wayfarer Into Rio”. Mr. Peter Strong, 71 -year-old veteran boat builder and designer from Durban, sat back in his armchair at Rio’s plush yacht club and relaxed – and he deserved every second of it.
READ MORE HERE:  1971 02 16 – Rio 1971 – Dave Elcock Collection -000355 – OCR

“Planes Hunt 2 S.A. Yachts”. Long range patrol planes of the Brazilian Air Force joined the search today for Sprinter, the small Cape Town sloop crewed by five women under skipper Mrs. Molly Warr.
READ MORE HERE:  1971 02 16 – Rio 1971 – Dave Elcock Collection -000430 – OCR

“Yachts Their Own Judges”. The apparent lack of an umpire, referee or any rule-enforcement authority in yacht races seems to make Nonsense of the constant talk of rules, instructions and protests – but because all yachts are judges, of themselves and all other yachts, the amount of attention given to the rules is probably as much as in any sport.
READ MORE HERE:  1971 02 16 – Rio 1971 – Dave Elcock Collection -000548 – OCR


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