“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. Ocean Greyhounds Prepare for Rothmans Week

by Richard Crockett

Last week I shared a feature on Rothmans Week which brought back an “off the charts” response, so as this is when Rothmans Week was traditionally sailed, here is more.

This chatty piece gives some insight into the event and its history, and covers some of the “heavy hitters” who were duelling it out on Table Bay in 1985.

This is how the opening two paragraphs read: “One of the major events on the South African sailing calender, the Rothmans Week regatta, will be held in Table Bay from December 14 to 21.

“Staged since 1974. it is sponsored by Rothmans, who have been involved in the sailing scene from 1960.”

READ IT ALL HERE:  1985 12 13 – 000104 – S&A – OCR

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