“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. More 1971 Admiral’s Cup


by Richard Crockett

The info is scarce on this day way back in 1971 when the South African Team was doing battle at the Admiral’s Cup.

However there is a good story about them entitled “Like Ducks to Water” and went on to say: ‘South Africa’s three-yacht team’s performance over yesterday’s 33½·mile course around The Solent buoys near here has boosted the team’s morale.

“On points, only Britain, Australia and the United States beat the Republic. Seventeen teams competed.”

So a good day on the water – especially being 4th best overall on the day against some mighty opposition.

Interestingly I have the score sheets as supplied by Race Management daily, and these make interesting reading for those statistically minded or who simply like pouring over results sheets.

So just two offerings today as follows:

“Like Ducks to Water”:  1971 08 04 – Thirsty Bertie – 000030

“Scoreboard. Second Inshore Race”:  1971 08 04 – Thirsty Bertie – inshore race scoreboard -000051


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