“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. Malcolm Hall Interview

The 1993 South African Optimist World team. Coach Malcolm Hall. Sieraj Jacobs. Alex Runciman; Ryan Collins & Bruce Keen, with Hans Thijsse as Manager. Missing from the pic is David Hooper.

by Richard Crockett

I always enjoy seeing young guys coming up the youth ranks and then giving back almost immediately they “age out” of a class. Malcolm Hall is one of those who at a young age travelled as coach with the South African Optimist team to the worlds in Minorca, Spain, and thereafter with another group to the European Champs in Belfast.

In this 1993 interview he gives his impressions of the teams and the events.

He was steadfast in his view that we basically have got a lot of talented sailors, and the raw material, but even at Optimist level, the competition is very stiff as the general approach to racing overseas has become highly sophisticated, and that South Africans have clearly got the talent to match it, although there is still a lot of work to do.

READ THE FULL INTERVIEW HERE:  Pages from 1993 09 – SAILING Magazine – OCR-2

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