“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. International 505 Day

Peter & Dave Vinnicombe in action off Durban.

The International 5O5 Sailing Class has adopted the 5th May as International 5O5 Day to celebrate the 60+ years of history and community. For over 60 years this astounding racing dinghy has maintained its position as the most successful two person sailing boat on the planet. Enormously popular amongst Olympians, World champions and enthusiastic weekend sailors alike, the Class will use the 5th May to celebrate the 505 Community that spans over 17 countries and over six decades of racing around the world.

That’s A Lot of People!

Why does the Class remain so successful? It’s a “most elegant, beautiful boat” (Harold Cudmore, Olympian and multiple world champion), “no other boat is able to give one such pleasure (Paul Elvstrom, Olympian and multiple world champion), it has awesome international racing (Penny Clark, Olympian), “its just so much fun (Earl Alexander, 70 years old).

All true but the key reason? The people. The help and support, the friendship, the variety.

65 years has built the largest, still engaged community in sport today.

Join the 505 Class in celebrating the 5th of May on facebook or by Zoom today – details on the Class Website HERE: www.int505.org

About the 505
The 505 is a double-handed racing dinghy that incorporates a lightweight hull design with a powerful sail plan and trapeze. What makes the boat unique is its outstanding performance across conditions and the ability to impact boat speed through in-race adjustments. Quick and responsive in light conditions, and stable and easy to control in strong wind and high waves, the 505 can also plane in just 10 knots of wind. Almost every adjustment can be made while racing, which makes racing incredibly dynamic as it truly takes the best sailors to win. Since its introduction in 1957, the 505 is now the highest performance dinghy available today, and the boat of choice for some of the world’s best sailors as well as professional sailors when they are looking to race for fun.

505 Class Online HERE 

505 Class on Facebook HERE 

ED.  I have tons of material on the class, some old documentation and loads of pics in my archives – and not the time to make a meaningful selection to use here. Those will follow in time, but in the meantime enjoy these pics of the 505 Class that are immediately available. The black & white image are from the 1979 Worlds off Durban, and the colour ones from the Worlds off Durban in 2000..

Rob Willcox; Roy Heiner & Ditmar Hermann.
2nd in Transvaal. Dave Williams & Les Nathanson.
The terrible twins were third amongst the Transvaal fives. Harry & Anton Ellens.
Robbie van Rooyen, a big smile, and a hard working crew Young Rabie. The tray that proves they are 505 Transvaal champions this year.
Brian Gold; Bob Dutton; Carlos Carvallo & Brian Downham.
Brian Downham & Ditmar Hermann.
Robin van Rooyen & Ulrich Coblenz.
The 505 team from Denmark at the 505 Worlds off Durban in 1979.
Rob Willcox & Ditmar Hermann.
505 winners – February 1983. David Herridge & Anton Ellens.
The Australia team at the 505 Worlds off Durban in 1979.
Front. Verden Hiles (brother of Nick Hiles). Bob Kyrwood (father of Geoff – crew) – oldest competitor – 64 years old – John Gilder.
A Rhodesian crew of Robin & Jeremy O’Connor at the 505 Worlds off Durban in 1975.
Brian Downham & John Hawkins. 1st RSA.
4th place. Jorgen Schonherr (skipper) & Anders Kaempe of Denmark. They Won the tune-up race – broke rudder in 2nd race and broke their mast in 4th race.
Singapore sailors Alan Dodd & David Riley.
Irene Gesing (Canada) – her husband Adam was crew. Ruth Tara (USA) – crewed for her husband Paul.
Dave Penfield & Steve Taylor with Mrs P Bellengre.
Geoff Kyrwood with his father Bob.
John Hawkins & Brian Downham. Loch Vaal.
The team from the USA.
The 505 Worlds off Durban – flying downwind and in full control too.

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