“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. Durban Scoops Olympic Finn Dinghy Gold Cup

David Booth ahead of two unidentified competitors while racing in Durban Harbour.

by Richard Crockett

Before you get very excited about this headline, please note that this was written in 1997.

It was great news worth trumpeting at every available opportunity, yet more importantly was good for the class and the sport in our country.

I had forgotten that I had written this column for the Natal Mercury, so it was a surprise to see the headline this morning. However, the event never happened, and I cannot recall why! Maybe there is an alert reader out there who has the answer?

This is what was said in the opening two paragraphs:

“Good news for the city is that the Point Yacht Club has been requested to host the Olympic Finn dinghy Gold Cup during early October next year.

“This once again proves without doubt that Durban is a world class venue for dinghy world championships, especially since it appears that the Cape dropped the event like a proverbial hot potato once they lost the Olympic bid. Their loss is our gain as the Finn Gold Cup, which is actually the class world championships, will bring the world’s toughest dinghy sailors to Durban to do battle on our waters.”

READ THE FULL REPORT HERE:  1997 10 06 – stitched final – OCR

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