“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. Cariad Leaves the Cape

A twisted flying-jib tack aboard Cariad, and three of the full-time crew go out on the bowsprit to attend to it-left to it.
L-R. Jan Lello (son of the editor), Bjorn Johansen and Norman Grimbeek. Note the 3/4-in. stud-link anchor chain.

by Richard Crockett

I was planning on spending the next few days, or maybe even longer, sharing information of Arthur Holgate, but as this editorial came up first in my search, it was too good an opportunity to miss sharing the beautiful ‘Cariad’.

Arthur Holgate was the Mate aboard for this passage.

After the death of A. W. Flitton, and after a long spell in Duncan Docks, John Hardman bought her, restored her, and was taking her to the Mediterranean.

All but one of the pics in this article, I have originals of in my archives, and share them today with pride.

READ THE ARTICLE HERE:  cariad 1960 05-06 – SA Yachting – OCR 3

June Antelme at the helm of Cariad with Jan Lello.
Cariad’s Bosun Ronrie Binks gives his protesting monkey a scrub in a bucket.
That massive boom of Cariad can be used like a catwalk under way. Mate Arthur Holgate gives scale to the hefty gear.
Tired out with cheque-signing and refitting, the owner of Cariad, John Hardman, steals a nap in the bowsprit netting.
Elegant and powerful, Cariad slips by -what a hull for hard driving down the Trades or close-reaching in half a gale of wind. At the helm is Wally Flesch, publisher of Yachting News, who took time off for the first leg to Mossel Bay.

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