“Talking Sailing” from my archives. Buccaneers in False Bay

YOUTHFUL CHAMPIONS: At the last minute the son of False Bay Yacht Club Commodore, Cecil Knipe , took over dad ‘s keelboat entry – and here are Jumbo’s Buccaneer champions: from left , Peter Knipe (skipper ), Darryl de Villiers , Kevin Falck, Barry lee and Tony Hands ; youngest offshore champions on record.

by Richard Crockett

Why False Bay was never renamed Buccaneer Bay is beyond me as these bullet-proof yachts seemed to come out “en-mass” in False Bay when Buccaneer events were scheduled. Good for them as the class grew and the competition was epic.

Today I have two different Buccaneer events for you. The first, reported on in the May issue of SA Yachting was under the headline “Nationals Preview” – a multi-class National Championship event sailed over the Easter Weekend.

What really caught my attention was the pic of the “youngest offshore champions of record” – and many interesting names in the complete set of results across all the classes.

SEE WHO THESE YOUNG CHAMPIONS WERE HERE:  Pages from 1974 05 – SA Yachting – OCR

The next is a report on the Kruger Day holiday and two additional weekends for Buccaneer racing in False Bay.

Of interest is the following which shows how close racing was in the Buccaneers way back then: In this regular racing fleet form differences are marginal, tactical errors fatal, sailing mistakes unforgivable and gear differences negligible, so any boat can win with a bit of help when other boats foul up foredeck work, broach bloodily, miss a puff or sit in the wrong place at the wrong time too often. Allan’ beats were dead-on, especially when he moved the sailing area well away from Simon’s Bay and the temptation of supposed lifts off the dockyard and town. Open sea work spreads the fleet and encourages original thought.

READ IT ALL HERE:  Pages from 1974 12 – SA Yachting – OCR

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