“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. A Photo Bomb Today

The L26 Red Robin, helmed by Iain Park-Ross revelling in the strong winds during a Crystic Week.
pic by Richard Crockett

by Richard Crockett

I have spent an inordinate amount of time recently scanning a box full of slides. It’s something I have been meaning to do for several years, and once I put my head down and got into the task, I uncovered some real gems – most of which have never been seen by anyone other than myself.

So today enjoy this small and random selection of photos which will hopefully bring back some good memories.

More will follow in the next few days.


A very different view of John Martin’s Allied Bank.
pic by Richard Crockett
Keith Bellamy’s Club Mykonos.
The original Assegai was renamed Elengeni for the 1985 Cape to Uruguay Race, and was skippered by Terry Clarence.
pic by Richard Crockett
Remember Gwaap?
pic by Richard Crockett
Ian Ainslie has always had the ability to make every boat he sails go fast. The J22 Donna Mia…Again was no exception.
pic by Richard Crockett
Isn’t this a great pic of Bruce McCurrach (blue shirt and specs) with Philip Baum on the helm of the J22 Rampant III.
pic by Richard Crockett
A very choppy Durban north-easter created this scene of an L26 revelling in the conditions. I am unable to identify the boat, but think it may be the UCTYC boat?
pic by Richard Crockett
Roy Heiner at the helm of the SA Navy L26 Cape Columbine.
pic by Richard Crockett
The 1987 Lipton Cup in Cape Town. Some fun at the gybe mark which is obscured by 079 – Orsmond Aerial.
pic by Richard Crockett

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