“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. 30 More Dinghy Pics From Yesteryear!

701 “Shuvoff’ – Mike Kearney of ZVYC crosses the fleet on port tack.

By Richard Crockett

I feel that maybe age is beginning to creep up on me as these days I am not as adept at deciphering hand-written captions as I once was. So up front, apologies if some names are misspelt in the captions of the pics which follow.

There’s not much to comment on today, other than there are some interesting pics from the Round the Island Race on Vaal Dam, a mention of Zandvlei – which is in the Muizenburg area, and at which Imperial Yacht Club is situated. Plus Sharpies sailing at Mountain Yacht Club in 1962, as well as images from Loch Athlone near Bethlehem which was once a favourite regatta venue.

For me the most interesting caption was from the pic taken inside the IYC bridge, and which stated that “to add interest a short commentary on the progress of the leading boats” was given. Way ahead of their time in this regard.

A series of uncaptioned pics will appear over the next few days.

Enjoy the pics – please COMMENT, LIKE and SHARE.

Part of the huge fleet of 25 boats rounding the Southern End of the Island in the Sunday 26 January Round the Island Race at Vaal Dam.
Part of the massive dinghy fleet taking part in the Round The Island Race on Vaal Dam on 4 March 1973.
Zandvlei Sprogs. A view from the bridge. The fleet has just crossed the line in one of the starts. The IYC (Imperial Yacht Club) added to the interest of the series by giving a shoret commentary on the progress of the leading boats during the races.
No caption to this image of a Sharpie.
Part of the fleet of 254 boats rounding the southern end of the island in Sunday 26 January Round the Island Race at Vaal Dam.
Mountain Yacht Club regatta in 1962. Sharpies in a huddle!
Alma Bosch admires “the loot”.
The Highveld scene.
The Island Sailing Club, with their smart judges box. Note the built-up foreshore, done by the members themselves to stop erosion and the lawn in front of the clubhouse from which the spectators follow the racing.
Rounding a mark during one of the races of the National Regatta. Basil Joyce of Cape Town (C 184) is round, followed by ‘Kukri’ (24) sailed by L Wright of the Boskop Yacht Club, ‘Outlaw’ (18) sailed by S Emdon of the East Rand Yacht Club and ‘Swing’ (143) sailed by J Vosloo of the Boskop Yacht Club.
The picturesque setting of Loch Athlone near Bethlehem where a regatta was held incorporating the first national OK Dinghy championships as well as the Orange Free State championships for the Enterprise, as well as their national champs.
Imperial Yacht Club opening cruise.
Spearheads on the hard. This is probably Midmar Dam?
Part of the fleet that took part in ESC (Emmarentia Sailing Club ??) closing cruise.
The Passet family of TYC (Transvaal Yacht Club) in ‘Princess’. Dawn, Neil and little Shelly.
Helmut Stauch relaxing on his Finn with Yvonne Milachowski as crew.
Jack & Pamela Kay of FYC (Florida Yacht Club) packing up their ‘Antares’ their Enterprise.
An early casualty at the PSC closing cruise – the bucket nevertheless on board to give “water”!
There is no caption for this, although it was taken in the Cape area on 18 August 1968. Any thoughts on where this was taken?
There is no caption this. Can anyone identify the crew and where this may have been taken?
Jimmy Nasmith & John Sedgman righting their submerged Flying Dutchman. Circa 1965.
Charlie Moses at Boskop. Circa 1965.
Richard Crowe with the Sharpie ‘Swift’. Circa 1965.
A view of the fleet at Boskop. Circa 1965.
Jeff Walton showing his unusual tiller extension arrangement on his Flying Dutchman. Circa 1965.
Harvey Blogg – winner of the Ken Bryson Trophy. Circa 1965.
Doug Harrowsmith pulling “Admetus II’ from the water at Boskop having won the Spearhead class. Circa 1965.
The 505 mould at the Boatlocker. An aside in the caption said: notice the magical supports!
There is no caption to this fleet of Cadets. I suspect it was taken in the UK?

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