“Talking Sailing” From My Archives. 1967 Lipton Cup

The men who won the 1967 Lipton Cup, from left: Trevor Hann, Harry Green, John Treasure, Bill Sykes and the skipper Ronny Chedburn.

by Richard Crockett

I suppose that one can almost always say that the selected class of Lipton Challenge Cup boat is under threat as people from other classes aspired to compete in what is the most prestige of South African sailing regattas.

In the RCOD Class news reports in SA Yachting Magazine it was clear that these owners were keen to become the Lipton Cup Class.

This was highlighted indirectly by the incoming President of the 30-Square Metre class by these words:

“The undoubted success of the 1967 Lipton Challenge Cup Contest in which the R10,000 trophy was won for the R.C.Y.C. has come as a stimulant to the 30 Square Metre Owners’ Association.

“At the annual meeting at the Royal Cape Yacht Club on Monday July 10, Hoogie van Hoogstraten, skipper of ‘Trickson II’, and Commodore of the Zeekoe Vlei Yacht Club, was appointed President of the Association, succeeding the evergreen and ever-popular Dr. Hamish Campbell. Trevor Hann is secretary.

“In his address the President stated that it was not his intention to see the 30 Squares liquidated as the accepted class for the contest during his period of office. He thanked all skippers for their continued enthusiasm, and mentioned particularly the Durban yachts ‘Sea Swallow’, ‘Sun Rose’ and ‘Hjalmaren’ which had made the long trek to the Cape.”

So it seemed that the aspirations of RCOD owners had been dashed – for the time being anyway.

READ ABOUT THE RACING HERE:  1967 08 – SA Yachting – 000668 – OCR

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