by Richard Crockett
I am back from shoulder replacement surgery and delighted that the seven weeks I had to be hobbled in a sling are over. There’s work to be done still as these ops are useless unless all the physio is done religiously.
Having gone into hospital wired to starboard, I was discharged wired to port – which proved very difficult as I have always been on a starboard tack. It was impossible typing “to port” as my keyboard and rat would simply not respond to my commands.
So onwards and upwards and lots of lifts on starboard.
It’s appropriate with the Olympic Games having just ended to start with something “Olympic”, so I have chosen the 1959 Olympic Sailing Trials which were held in Mossel Bay, and in which just two classes were considered. This was because for the very first time we had classes in this country that were to compete in the Olympics – those being the Finn and the Flying Dutchman (FD).
Helmut Stauch and Robin Standing were selected in the FD, with Gordon Burn Wood in the Finn.
There is lot’s of interest to read in this feature.
ENJOY READING IT HERE: Pages from 1959 09-10 – SA Yachting – OCR-2