pic by Juhan Kuus
by Richard Crockett
It’s hard to believe that in exactly one year the 2023 Cape to Rio Race will start on 2 January.
This race will also mark the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Cape to Rio Race in which 38 yachts competed.
So far, and still with one year to go, 10 entries have been received.
To mark this occasion, I have chosen to share two newspaper supplements, one from the Argus published the day before the 13 January start and the other from the Cape Times on the morning of the start.
A bonus is 7 pages from the Weekend Argus published just hours after the start, with loads of good pics, news stories, opinion pieces and more. (These are large files so please be patient when opening them).
These three will get the juices flowing and hopefully set a reminder to enter this iconic race.
More info on the Cape to Rio Race HERE: https://cape2riorace.com/
ARGUS SUPPLEMENT HERE: 1973 01 12 – stitched final – argus supplement – REDUCED
CAPE TIMES SUPPLEMENT HERE: 1973 01 13 – final stitched – Cape Times Rio Race Supplement – REDUCED2
WEEKEND ARGUS REPORTS HERE: 1973 01 13 – weekend argus – stitched final – REDUCED –