“Talking Sailing” by Richard Crockett – issue 13

18 February 2014

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J22 Jiggery Pokery – the end
Despite there still being rumblings around this matter, and the fact that blows were traded recently when warring factions met, the matter is closed unless there is reason enough to re-open it.

Hobie 16 Worlds – SA Contingent Successful
Despite not being anywhere near the podium in the Hobie 16 Open Worlds, two South Africans represented our country with distinction by finishing on the podium in two different categories.

In the Open Worlds Blaine & Roxanne Dodds finished 27th and William & Lucinda Edwards 29 out of 56 boats.

It was in the Masters and Grand Masters events where the ‘Japies’ showed their mettle.

William & Lucinda Edwards won the Masters Worlds with Blaine Dodds and Roxanne Dodds 2nd.

In the Grand Masters Dodds again finished second, but this time with Thorin Zeilmaker as his crew.

See the results at: http://hobieworlds.com/hobie16-worlds/results-2

Well done to William, Blaine and their respective crews.

My concern is that these guys are advancing in age, and are there enough, maybe even any, youngsters in the background who are capable of taking over from them at this level? I certainly hope so.

How the Other Half Live!
aka, the Ultimate Guide to the Finest Yachts Available for Charter Worldwide in 2014
Superyacht specialist, Edmiston, has unveiled its much sought-after annual list of the finest yachts available for charter around the world. Interestingly more yachts on their books spend time on the Cote d’Azur than in any other location in the world.

The recently received release says: “The list is published as the yachting industry firmly comes out of the recession of the last five years, with requests for chartering picking up very strongly. Edmiston’s customers are asking for newer destinations, such as the Pacific Ocean and Croatia, to charter in; better facilities than ever onboard; high-quality food prepared by expert, even Michelin-starred, chefs; exceptional service from a talented captain and crew, and larger yachts.”

So where’s the catch? It’s simply in the price!

DB9 – At 52 metres, she is one of the largest sports yachts for charter. She has three swimming pools, The sun deck has an outdoor cinema while the piano lounge enables you to keep the fun indoors too. From €185,000 per week.

TV – With five decks, TV has huge amounts of space for guests. Her design includes a circular, fully-glazed dining conservatory, a health & beauty centre, and several vast saloons, one of which can be transformed into a media room. From €850,000 per week.

LADY BRITT – Complete with a Finnish sauna facing a side platform which lowers over the sea, a 20-piece Aqua Park and a 13-metre water slide, she is a firm favourite for families. From €445,000 per week.

OHANA – this very powerful sloop was specifically designed to offer the thrill of fast cruising to a family. When Ohana’s towering rig is under sail the effect is incredible. The cockpit is both a dining and lounging area surrounded by retracting glass screens. From €160,000 per week.

NIRVANA – At 89 metres long, this is one of the most talked-about yachts in the world. The centre of the swimming platform descends to create a saltwater micro pool, while by night the jet-pool’s floor rises to create a vast dance floor. She also has a 3D cinema and exotic reptile house. From €900,000 per week.

Okay, stop drooling now and pick your jaw off your desk. For those who can afford it, go to: www.edmiston.com

Star Is Denied Place In Rio 2016
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has confirmed that the Star class will not be part of the 2016 Games in Rio. The official recognition came with the release of the classification criteria for the Olympics, which closes any possibility of inclusion of new classes, as it would need a change to rules that are already in place.

Brazil has some really good Star sailors who have won medals at past Olympics, and there was an international campaign via diplomatic channels to have the Star re-instated.

Wanting to compete in the Rio 2016 Olympics?
The qualification system for the 2016 Olympic Sailing Qualification has been published.
The qualifying process is difficult, very difficult, and does not permit anyone with a will, enthusiasm and a boat, a place in Rio. Far from it as one really has to be an elite athlete to compete, and to get there one HAS to compete against the best in the world as there are no short-cuts. So, anyone with Olympic aspirations has their work cut out for them as can be see from the info below.

Each National Olympic Committee (NOC) may enter a maximum of one boat per event, a total of 15 athletes (eight men and seven women).

Qualification Pathway. 50% of the entry quota in each event shall be qualified from those best ranked NOCs in the corresponding events at the 2014 ISAF Sailing World Championships.

The remaining places in each event shall be qualified from the 2015 Class World Championship and in a series of Continental Qualification Events sanctioned by ISAF, to finish by 1 June 2016 at the latest.

The inclusion for the first time by ISAF of Continental Qualification Events in the Qualification Pathway is an opportunity to develop sailing around the world and reflect the IOC Qualification System Principles. Key requirements of these Principles are to ensure the participation of the best athletes and ensure universality through continental representation.

Tripartite Commission Invitation Places allow NOCs which have traditionally sent small delegations to the Olympic Games to be represented at the next Games. For the first time ISAF has included four dedicated Tripartite quota places within the overall Athlete Quota providing an opportunity for those eligible NOCs to compete in the Men’s and Women’s One Person Dinghy events.

ISAF will inform NOCs and Member National Authorities (MNAs) of Olympic quota places following each qualification regatta.

All NOCs, including the host country must confirm to ISAF the use of all quota places by 1 June 2016. After this date the unconfirmed quota places will be allocated according to the principles set out in the Qualification System.

The full document can be viewed at: https://sailing.co.zaqualification-system-for-the-2016-olympic-sailing-qualification-has-been-published/

So, What is Great About Sailing
The Ronstan Blog (http://ronstan.blogspot.com/) had this to say:
• It is always an Adventure, whether participating in adrenaline filled racing or being independent in a quiet cove.
• It is Beautiful in every respect; boats, places and people.
Craftsmanship skills are developed; it is a hands on activity.
• People with Disabilities can sail …. and win gold medals even.
• It is Environmentally friendly.
Fresh air, Freedom, Families and Fun. Yes, I overdid it a bit with the F words!
Generations can sail together, including grand parents and grand children.
Humility. Nature is more powerful than we are.
• It is Inexpensive if you want it to be. Of course if you fund an America’s Cup campaign it might not be.
• It is Joyful.
• You develop your Knowledge of such topics as weather, navigation, charts, compasses, tactics, practical skills, etc, etc.
• You develop Leadership skills.
• It tests you Mentally; a thinking person’s game with a lot of strategy.
• You meet New and interesting people, all the time.
Organisations are there to support you, such as yacht clubs.
• It is Physical. Great exercise.
• You spend Quality time with family and friends.
• You can go Racing, or cruising, or whatever.
• It is Safe. I have had a lot more injuries bike riding than sailing!
• It Takes you outside your comfort zone. We all need that.
• You Unwind, relax, recharge your batteries.
• There is such a Variety of boats, places, people, ages, skill levels.
• It opens up the World to you.
• It has that X factor!
Young kids can do it …. and old kids.
Zzzzzzzzz. You enjoy a great sleep after a big day on the water!

Let’s have your additions to this list – send to: sailing@iafrica.com

US Sailing Leadership Forum
In a recent issue I mentioned the above forum and some of the topics that were being covered, even suggesting that we in good old RSA could benefit with a forum of sorts. Well the US forum was, from all accounts, a great success.

There are tons of really great material available to be digested, so go to the forum link (http://sailingleadership.org/) and sniff around for the items that interest you.

One topic that caught my eye was entitled “Junior Sailing: Beyond Regattas” and was prepared by Buster Pike, Joel Labuzetta & Nevin Sayre. Unfortunately the PowerPoint presentation cannot be reproduced in its entirety here, so hopefully the extracts I have selected will paint a picture for you.

• Overview of why it’s important to expand programmes beyond racing
• Ideas for bringing “adventure sailing” to your programme
• Activities to engage sailors and families in more than just a sailing camp

Sailing Participation Dropping
• Statistician Nick Hayes (Saving Sailing) reported 12.5M sailors in 1980 dropping to 2.6M in 2009.
• Google searches that had anything to do with sailing declined 40% from 2004 to 2012.
• Meanwhile snow sports, surfing, skateboarding numbers are way up.

Case study French Sailing Federation
“In 2006, 9-14 year olds represented by far the biggest proportion of participants in our Sailing Schools (more than 70% of participants had less than 14 years). However, their commitment to sailing is a major problem for both the Federation and its clubs (15-20 year olds represent only 13% of participants). The quality and attractiveness of children’s participation in our Sailing Schools determines their participation later.”

Primarily we offer kids one path: Race! Race! Race!

Where are the kids in your programme
25% RACE TRACK (getting to elite team)
65% Learn to Sail (have potential to get hooked on sailing!)

Ironically, we spend 90% of our resources on 10%-35% of our kids in Junior Programmes
65% spent on new boats, travel, elite coaches
25% spent on up and coming racers
10% spent on new sailors

Less than 1% of all snow sports enthusiasts ever compete!!!!
According to the US Snow Sports Association, in 2012 there were 185,521 entries into all competitions (all disciplines). That’s out of a total combined ski and snowboard population of 17.5 Million.


What can sailing learn from these sports that kids love?
• The adventure and freedom is what’s attractive
• Social: it’s all about hanging with your buds
• Variety of terrain is important
• Fast is Fun!
• Equipment is modern, cool, & flat out fun to ride
• Fashion & image are important
• Competition???

“I worry that Yacht Club Sailing programmes only ever glorify the 3%- 5% of kids that “pop” out with a trophy and we completely ignore the 95% who could be lifetime boaters. I believe we should expose kids to boating on all sorts of craft- not “wash” them out if they don’t compete.”  John Holmberg, former America’s Cup helmsman

So in most Junior Sailing programmes we do two things:
#1 we push them toward racing
#2 we teach them in gear designed over 50 years ago!!
(let’s talk about that)

Adventure Programmes!
• Kids need more “messing around in boats”
• Kids need more adventure
• Kids need more variety
• Kids need more fun! in sailing

Social & Sailing
While racing boats around marks is fun, limiting sailing to that can:
• Be boring
• Limit family participation
• Lead participants to choose other activities
Offer social & volunteer activities as part of your programme

Participation = Growth

Some serious food-for-thought.

The bottom line is that in this country we have similar issues to those the rest of the world is experiencing. One of the slides showed some of the modern items kids use today, being computers, X-Box, smart phones etc – and as is correctly said they get taught in a boat designed over 50 years ago! There are many modern, smart, sexy, fast and SAFE boats out there that would in all likelihood entice kids into the sport if available, and keep them sailing too.

I have always believed, and have written about it many times, that we simply teach our kids to race. We NEVER teach them to have fun in a boat. Capsizing and simply ‘messing around in a boat’ is what will keep the majority of kids sailing, not continuous competition. Racing is just one aspect of the sport.

It’s all food for thought, so go into the website and enjoy some modern thinking on the subject:

Kids – Some Thoughts
(from the: “Fuller Youth Institution”)
Based on Psychological research, the three healthiest statements parents can say to their kids about sport or any performance are:

Before The Competition:
1. Have fun
2. Play hard
3. I love you

After The Competition:
1. Did you have fun
2. I’m proud of you
3. I love you

An Observation on Kids:
Spending time with children is more important than spending money on children.

Let’s Make Sailing Easier, More Accessible and More Fun
From the US Sailing Leadership Forum, Steve Benjamin, a multi-class World Champion said this:
• Skipper and crew dating service
• Cell phone tracking and race replay
• Live time race results as race progresses
• Seamless regatta entry
• Sail measurement database online
• Activities outside the beer tent

Carbon Monoxide Warning To Boat Owners Following Double Tragedy
(reproduced from IBI Magazine – https://plus.ibinews.com/)
A safety bulletin has been issued to warn boat owners about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning following two deaths in North Yorkshire in the UK.

Before going to bed, the skipper (aged 26) and the crewman (aged 21) had lit the grill of a butane gas cooker fitted in the wheelhouse in order to warm both the wheelhouse and the adjacent sleeping area.

Eshcol was not fitted with a carbon monoxide alarm.

Safety Issues
1. Gas cookers are designed for cooking, not domestic heating. Accommodation areas need to be heated, especially during the winter months and, for this, appropriate, purpose built heaters are required.
2. Fossil fuel burning appliances, such as cookers, need to be checked and maintained to ensure they are in good condition. A yellow flame indicates poor combustion, resulting in an excess of carbon monoxide that, in a poorly ventilated space, can quickly build up to lethal levels.
3. Carbon monoxide is a lethal gas, which has no smell, no taste, is colourless and is extremely difficult for human senses to detect. Crew need to be vigilant and recognise the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning, which can include: headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, tiredness, confusion, stomach pain and shortage of breath.
4. Carbon monoxide alarms are not expensive and should be fitted. When selecting a carbon monoxide alarm, preference should be given to those marked as meeting safety standard EN 50291-2:2010, which are intended for use in a marine environment.

The MAIB (the UKs Marine Accident Investigation Branch) is carrying out an investigation into the two deaths and will publish a full report in due course.

Marine Radio Licencing issues
The last issue carried some correspondence on the above subject. A reader had a query (which is too long to print here) which I put to SAMSA who replied as follows:

Your query noted, hopefully I will be able clear up any confusion you might have in this regard.

You mention 3 different entities in your mail and I will try and answer you with respect to each one.

1) SAMSA (South African Maritime Safety Authority) was formed under the SAMSA act 1998 with the following objectives
a) to ensure safety of life and property at sea
b) to prevent and combat pollution of the marine environment by ships; and
c) to promote the Republic’s maritime interests.

SAMSA are responsible for all things to do with the safety and safe manning of shipping in South Africa.

The safe manning of shipping is done by a system of training, examination and the proof of competence which is indicated by the person being issued a Certificate of Competence, in this case a Radio Operator’s Certificate .

Previously and historically ICASA preceded by SATRA and before that the Post Office carried out the function of examining candidates and issuing certificates of competence for radio operators which is a requirement of the ITU (International Telecommunications Union) for all people operating maritime radio equipment.

In 2006 an MOU was signed between SAMSA and ICASA whereby the examining functions were transferred from ICASA to SAMSA as the maritime authority but the issue of the radio operators certificates remained with ICASA.

AN updated MOU signed between the parties in 2011 mandated SAMSA to take over the entire function and the examining and issuing of radio Operator’s Certificates are now done by SAMSA.

2) ICASA  (Independent Communications Authority of S.A.)
Are responsible for the management of the radio spectrum and as such are the authority responsible for all matters relating to the usage and licensing of radio equipment in S.A. This has always been and remains the authority of ICASA to issue Ship station licences.

I think this is where the confusion comes in as to who is responsible for what.

The actual radio equipment onboard the vessel is licensed by ICASA (ship station licence) and an annual fee is charged.

The radio operator’s certificate is issued by SAMSA and is a once off payment – certificate does not expire.

If I can just put it in the context of your motor car.

A person is examined to make sure he can drive safely and is then issued a driver’s licence – once off occurrence with one payment.

A license is issued for the actual vehicle and a fee has to be paid annually to maintain the licence.

You also mentioned Telkom in your mail.

3) Telkom have nothing at all to do with licensing of radio equipment or the examination and issuing of radio operator certificates. The coastal radio station infrastructure is maintained and manned by Telkom and they are also responsible for the upkeep of the LUT (Local User Terminal) which is the unit that monitors Cospas- Sarsat EPIRBS in our region.

The only interaction you will have with Telkom in a marine radio setting is when you call Durban or Cape Town radio.

At present I believe ICASA are revamping their licensing systems and all license holders have to basically reapply for their licenses.

Please contact Mrs. Fouche at ICASA Cape Town who is very helpful and will be able to answer any queries you have with respect to your ship station license.

Tel: 021 4319800
Email: efouche@icasa.org.za

Hope this helps?

Hilton Jones
South African Maritime Safety Authority
Telephone:  +27 31 307 1501
Fax:  +27 (0)31 307 3086

SAILING Gybeset Portal
The SAILING Gybeset portal (www.sailing.co.za/gybeset) is fully operational with daily updates about sailing events locally and internationally. The emphasis is on promoting our sport locally, although interesting international news items are covered too. So make it your ‘go to’ site for sailing info.

We have new advertisers supporting the portal too, so please click on their links and see what they are up to.

The only way for SAILING Gybeset to be successful and to be able to disseminate information that covers all aspects of our sport is for Clubs, Class Associations, event organisers and individual sailors to ensure that information and pictures flow our way timeously – so send your material to: sailing@iafrica.com

SAILING Gybeset carries news items, club and class info, and an event calendar – so check it out and please send your contributions. The electronic media is an incredibly quick way of getting your news out to a very broad base of people – so use this portal to your advantage and share your sport with the thousands of others who have not yet given it a try, but are waiting in the wings.

Some Selected Responses to “Talking Sailing”
● Once again, thanks for the awesome way you say what should have been said. I think the J22 owners, skippers and crews have given themselves a headache of gigantic proportions as well as giving the finger to the sport in general.

I think everyone should remember why they got into sailing in the first place, for me the peace and getting in tune with the elements and nature. It is good to be competitive but not to the detriment of sailing as a whole.

The committee’s of the Worlds that have not responded to the media with updates of what when and where should be ashamed of themselves and get out of sailing administration and make way for people who want the sport to grow.

ED. The Dart & Mirror events are the silent ones!

● I share your disappointment in the media coverage that the Cape to Rio race received recently. Even though I had no loved ones on the water as a keen sailor (leisure sailor/holiday sailor) I would have loved to see more and be more involved as it is such a great event for Cape Town to host.

On your topic of “discover sailing” I have to congratulate Zeekoevlei Yacht Club who hosted a fantastic day on 19 January 2014 for old and new members and anybody interested in sailing. It was a lovely family day with a small dinghy exhibition which attracted a lot of attention. Well done Mark Thompson and Zeekoevlei Yacht Club! Then there is Hayley from Atlantic Yachting who started “Ladies for Sail” with special sailing days and training for ladies – great effort to get more ladies interested in sailing!

● All strength to your pen, Captain! Concur with your thoughts on Cape2Rio press coverage.

I encountered a non-sailing mate of our age who questioned why this was so poor. He could still recall tracking entrants by name on the daily maps from races many years ago and felt let down by not being able to do so this time. In addition, the coverage obtained was scribed by willing individuals who unfortunately had no idea of the sea, let alone the sport, and this was resultantly very uninspiring.

Shocking to hear that entry-related correspondence was not responded to!

● “I thought that the small M34 Iskareen sailed an incredibly good race – and by crossing the line in 5th spot she was able to secure 3rd place overall on handicap. For the smallest boat in the fleet this was a fine performance.”

Really!? How about AVA and YOLO?? Otherwise, keep up the good work!

ED. Oops! And humble apologies.

● Hello Richard- I enjoy your newsletter very much. As far as ‘Discover Sailing’ is concerned- our local (inland) club, hosts at least two ‘open days’ a year in an attempt to open the sport up. Regards from The Forest Sailing Club, White River.

● A delighted Connie Papageorge who wanted Windsurfer equipment was lucky to get several immediate responses to his plight – and now has what he needs.

He now writes: “I’d really like to see a revival regatta – would be amazing to see some of the old guys out on the water again. Planning to do a bit more one design sailing and let the kids learn as well – good to have a proper sailing education for them.”

The Bitter End
People who make it difficult to enter races.

Notification was given this week for what is a minor club race that potential competitors have to complete and submit an entry form in advance; register on the morning of the event at the club concerned; AND attend a verbal briefing.

TAKE NOTE of what Steve Benjamin said in terms of making sailing easier, more accessible and more fun!

The ‘Bitter End’ is the inboard end of an anchor chain or rode which should be attached to the vessel so as not to be lost overboard in it’s entirety. In terms of “Talking Sailing” it’s things about our sport which get up peoples noses!

“Talking Sailing” is written by Richard Crockett, the Publisher & Editor of SAILING Magazine, South Africa’s monthly sailing mag.

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