by John Wright
It is all go for the Sprog Nationals to be held at the end of the year at Henley Midmar Yacht Club.
There has been some positive reaction and several boats have already conveyed there intention to enter.
I would like to thank the following people that responded to my last News Letter:-
Mark Statham, David Long, Kevin Bingham. Steve Kruger, Steve Hegestroom, Peter Clayton, Myles White, Peter Marcia, Dave Hudson, David Hayes, Andrea Giovannini and last but not least Phillip Baum. Those of you in the know will realise many of these people will not be sailing but have shown interest as they once sailed a Sprog and realise the importance of holding the event. Seventy years ago Hebert McWilliams sailed and won the first Sprog National Championships in Durban, which was a big mark on the South African sailing scene.
Now available are:
Notice of Race HERE Sprog 2017 NOR
Entry Form HERE Sprog 2017 Entry Form
There is great camping available on the club grounds, details of camping are covered in the NOR. If you do intend to camp please inform us in good time as the club has to arrange the gate entrances with Parks. For chalet booking it is essential to get in early, the contact for chalets is :-
Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife
Central Reservations Office
P.O.Box 13069
Cascades, 3202
Fax : 086-505-8889
Tel : 033-854-1000
Don’t get caught out by leaving it to the last minute – so do it NOW.
Sprog For Sale
My Sprog “Scratch 1025” is up for grabs if anybody is interested. She is on a substantial launching dolly that fits onto a registered road trailer, there are three suits of sails all in racing condition and she is in good racing trim and ready to go. The boat has already won four National Championships and an untold amount of Provincial Championships. It is a thoroughbred of Sprogs.