SAS. What’s it Doing for Me?

By Richard Crockett

That headline is a question the hierarchy of SAS should be asking every time they make decisions about the sport – as it is the single most asked question of all yachties in this country.

For those ‘doubters’ out there, SAS does in fact do things for it’s members, often things that are not really visible, but which need to be done to maintain the sport on an even keel.

Now here is something that SAS is doing for its members – and which is tangible to all as it’s an open on-line survey to members with the intention of ‘Reviewing the Economic Impact of Coastal Yacht Clubs’.

It is no secret that sporting clubs on Transnet and other State owned land are under threat, with one club having already been evicted, and another very close to that situation. There will be more fallout – and this is something that not just the Clubs themselves need to be concerned about, but SAS too as it is the national controlling body for the sport of sailing, and the body that deals with the sport at Government level.

SAS is looking for information to be able to either challenge the authorities or at least show them the actual situation about their member clubs.

This exercise is in being conducted in two parts:

1. Is an online survey to members (through this link – CLICK HERE)

2. Is for club feedback as follows:

Letter from SAS:  SAS Review of economic impact of coastal yacht clubs

Spreadsheet from SAS:  SAS Coastal Yacht Club Economic Impact Review v1

So, with SAS doing something positive for you, I can only plead with you to complete the survey and be part of the solution, as the higher the return SAS receives from its membership, the more telling the result.

DO IT NOW – please!

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