Sailor of the Month – NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN for The MARCH Award

Calvin Gibbs – Sailor of the Month for February.

Nominations close on Tuesday 27 February for the SAILING Mag Blog Sailor of the Month.

This is YOUR opportunity to nominate your favourite sailor – or even hardworking crew.

Calvin Gibbs (pictured) was Sailor of the Month for February.

There have been several noteworthy performances in recent weeks, so give this some thought and nominate the person you think deserves this award. But DO IT Now please.


Who can make nominations? Anyone (individuals, clubs, class associations or administrators) may submit nominations.

What are the criteria? The award is strictly for ‘sailing excellence’ or in exceptional circumstances, for ‘dedication to the sport’.

What is the procedure? All nominations must be fully motivated in writing, and must be accompanied by a head-and-shoulders picture of the candidate, plus an action sailing pic aboard his/her boat. Motivations must include current performances, a brief CV of the nominee, and other pertinent, personal background information (age, school, employment, home town etc) so that an interesting editorial on the winner may be written.

The identity of the person making the nomination is NOT given to the panel of judges – so this is kept completely confidential and is known to The Editor ONLY.

2019 Sailors of the Month

FebruaryDale Kushner
MarchMike Hayton
AprilMalcolm Hall
MayPaul Lagesse
JulySean Kavanagh
AugustAndrew Tarboton
SeptemberMike Hayton & David Rae
OctoberCampbell Alexander & Dave Herridge
NovemberMarkus Progli & Richard Hutton-Squire
DecemberMatt Ashwell and Rivaldo Arendse

Roll of Honour – Sailors of the Year

2019Mike Hayton
2018Tina Plattner
2017Alex Burger & Benji Daniel
2016Rob van Rooyen
2015Stefano Marcia
2014Blaine Dodds
2013Asenathi Jim
2012Roger Hudson
2011Stefano Marcia
2010Asenathi Jim
2009Taariq Jacobs
2008David Hudson
2007Dominique Provoyeur
2006Craig Millar
2005Shaun Ferry
2004Justin Onvlee
2003Dominique Provoyeur
2002Golden Mgedza
2001John Eloff

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