by Richard Crockett
I am scanning and archiving press cuttings I have accumulated and which I guestimate run into tens of thousands! A daunting task which I believe to be necessary as for many years I have been concerned about the lack of interest Clubs, Classes and other sailing related organisations give to preserving their history.
From the overwhelming response I have received to these posts in the past few days the interest is cranking up rapidly and I am being connected with some wonderful people thirsty for more. Thank you all who have made contact.
This is my personal crusade to save the rich history of our sport, and to share it in the hope that you will enjoy reminiscing, and learning more.
To read the full reports, click on the LINK following the headline.
1973. “Jakaranda, Stormy in Lead Fight”. While light winds slowed the whole of the Rio·bound fleet yesterday, Bruynzeel’s Stormy and Bobby Bongers’ Jakaranda were wrestling for the lead, far to the north of the main body.
To read the full report, Click on the following LINK: 1973 01 17 290
1986. “Sponsor for Solo Yacht Race”. The Singlehanded South Atlantic race (Southstar) from Cape Town around the island of St Helena and back in February this year will be sponsored by Stannic.
To read the full report, Click on the following LINK: 1986 01 17 930
1987. “Best of Luck·- 200 000 Times!” More than 200 000 goodwill messages flooded into Fremantle yesterday as New Zealand battled to end Stars and Stripes’ stranglehold on the America’s Cup challenge final.
To read the full report, Click on the following LINK: 1987 01 17 497
1990. “Globe Leader Passes the Half-Way Mark”. Titouan Lamazou In Ecureuil d’ Aquitaine, still leading in the non-stop Globe Challenge yacht race around the world, yesterday passed the half-way mark on the fleet’s 24 000 nautical-mile course – Cape Leeuwin in south-west Australia.
To read the full report, Click on the following LINK: 1990 01 17 383 16
1994. “Two Saved After Yacht Hits Object”. Two men yesterday escaped possible death when the 8m yacht on which they were sailing and fishing near Kalk Bay hit “something solid” and did a “turtle turn” in rough seas.
To read the full report, Click on the following LINK: 1994 01 17 580
1996. “Family Are Saved in Yacht Miracle”. Britons are winched to safety by RAF crew. A British family were plucked from the Atlantic by an RAF helicopter 24 hours after their yacht capsized in 30ft waves. And as they recovered in a Falkland Islands hospital the father thanked the Sea King crew who winched him, his wife and. their two young. children to safety.
To read the full report, Click on the following LINK: 1996 01 17 782
1998. “Ainslie Keeps His End Up”. Ian Ainslie’s successful Australian campaign on his Finn continued this week with the Sail Melbourne Regatta. After five races, he was lying in fifth position overall, with Sebastian Godefroid of Belgium in first. Ainslie’s positions after five races were 3, 3, 4, 9, 7. The regatta ends today.
To read the full report, Click on the following LINK: 1998 01 17 873
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What is “On this Day” About?
I am busy archiving many boxes of press cuttings I have accumulated and which I guestimate run into tens of thousands! A daunting task which I believe to be necessary before ditching them as I have been concerned for many years about the lack of interest Clubs, Classes and other sailing related organisations give to preserving their history.
From the overwhelming response I have received to these posts in the past few days the interest is cranking up rapidly and I am being connected with some wonderful people thirsty for more. Thank you all who have made contact.
This is my personal crusade, and instead of simply archiving and keeping the contents away from prying eyes, I will share my spoils in the hope that you will enjoy reminiscing as much as I have, and continue to do as I wade through the labourious process of scanning each and every cutting in my archives.
As each scanned cutting will be searchable, I will be able to create presentation packs personally tailored to a persons exact requirements – ie. Rothmans Week, the NCS Regatta, the Rio Race, Mauritius Race, Vasco da Gama Race and more – or simply by the name of an individual (like Ant Steward and his open boat exploits) who want a record of his/her sailing career for the family archives.
I have already done this by scanning in excess of 8500 pages of material I have on ‘Voortrekker’ – from idle chatter, to concept, to the formation of what ultimately became the South African Ocean Racing Trust (SAORT), to the fruition of the 1968 OSTAR Race in which Bruce Dalling and ‘Voortrekker’ excelled – and even beyond that.
The possibilities are endless – so watch this space.
Comments and contributions are welcome. Email: