NSRI. Two Free Services. Get them NOW

The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) has two free services available for boat users and owners. Both are worth checking out.

BravoBravo, Online Learning.
Developed by the technology team who developed GETSMARTER, this is online learning at its best. Easy to follow from your computer, tablet or phone – the material is in bite size modules that you can do in your own time and at your own pace. The design is very professional. Lots of information – but not overwhelming. Their first course available is their Skippers Guide for small vessels – as preparation for the SAMSA skippers exam. https://bravobravo.co.za/

RSA SafeTrx
This is a free app, used internationally and customised for South Africa. It is available to download from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

You load your vessel details, the people on board, your planned route and your ETA. You also load your emergency contact details (i.e. spouse/person at home). Then, if you are late or if you press the panic button – NSRI is alerted and they are sent to your position. False alarms do happen, so while they are preparing to launch, a controller will call you and then your emergency contact to verify if it was a mistake. No one minds the mistakes – they are a good opportunity to test the system. Download it and try it out. As NSRI says – it takes the “search” out of search and rescue.

Sea Rescue are the first people you call when you are out on the water and in need of help. They rescue anyone at any time – at no charge – so support them VERY GENEROUSLY – and use their two FREE apps to help yourself, your boating crew and mates.

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