Message from the Chairman of SAS – Peter Hall

sas_logoI am very excited by the opportunities that we in South African Sailing have ahead of us.  The previous committee has provided us with a great platform to take things forward and I would like to thank Rob M’Crystal and Mike Dixon in this regard.

Looking forward your new Council is as follows:

President                                       Philip Baum
Vice President                             Mike Robinson
Chairman/ WC Councilor      Peter Hall
KZN Councilor                            Anton Ellens
EC Councilor                                Andrew Finn
NR Councilor                               Rob Willcox

I personally see no reason why sailing cannot be the next big growth story in South African sport.  We have all the key criteria; a passionate group of sailors, ideal sailing conditions and venues, and a strong sailing industry who will share in the growth of our sport.   My vision is to grow sailing for life, for all South Africans, across all disciplines (keelboat, dinghy, multihull, kites and boards) by providing world-class services and support.  This is supported by the passion and energy from the clubs and classes across the country.

In order to be successful in this aim we are ensuring that we have the correct bases in place and this means agreeing on the future vision, developing processes and structures around this, detailed budgeting and fundraising, and then actioning the plans.  Although this takes time it will mean we get to the end point in the best shape.  This process starts with a session with one of the world leaders in strategy, Clem Sunter, on 22 November.

A critical part of growing sailing is excellent communication.  In this regard, I will be distributing a Chairman’s update 3 times a year, we will send out various communication emails over the year, we will be updating the website over the next 3 months, and we are regularly posting updates on the South African Sailing Facebook page (  Please encourage others to follow us in this manner.  Please also ensure that your South African Sailing profile (Membership Login on the South African Sailing website home page) is up to date.

South African sailing plans to develop the benefits that you will receive as a South African Sailing member in addition to the administrative, government and international liaison that we are performing.  In the short term I remind you that South African Sailing has provided free rule books for all sailing members and these are available from your clubs.  Members who attend the Cape Town International Boat Show (10-12 October 2014) will receive a 50% discount on their show entry fees on presentation of your emailed South African Sailing membership card.  We have a stand at this show and we look forward to seeing you there.

Next week our high performance sailors will be representing South Africa at the ISAF World Championships in Santander.  This regatta is the first step to Olympic qualification for Rio 2016.   On behalf of all sailors in South Africa I would like to send our best wishes to Asenathi Jim and Roger Hudson (470), Graeme Willcox and Andrew Tarboton (49er) and Stefano Marcia (Laser).  We will be following their performance with interest, as they are a huge inspiration to all in South Africa.

Lastly I believe one of the key areas for the growth of sailing is to ensure we all have fun on the water.  Sailing is not only about racing, but is there to cater for all who are enjoying wind, water and sail.

I look forward to seeing you on the water.

Peter Hall

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