Lipton Cup. It’s Future is Now in the Hands of the Clubs

The Lipton Cup Trophy.

by Richard Crockett

The well-being and future of this unique inter-club challenge now lies in the hands of Clubs to decide it’s future.

All those with a say in this matter have a huge responsibility – so please consider ALL the alternatives very carefully before casting your vote.

The full letter from the Lipton Trustees to the Clubs is included in this post as it contains a lot of background and additional information. It is a ‘MUST READ” and can be viewed and read HERE:  lipton Class of boat letter Lipton

The Trustees of the Lipton cup have given immense thought to its future – and have offered the following 3 alternatives for very good reason:

Option 1. Lipton Trustees’ proposal. “This Club resolves that the 2019 Lipton Challenge be held in boats of the Cape 31 One-Design Class and the 2020 Lipton Challenge be held in boats of the J22 Class, and that after these two trial years the recognised Yacht Clubs of South Africa be invited to decide on the boat to be used in one or more of the following years.”

Option 2. Alternative proposal. “This Club resolves that the 2019 and 2020 Lipton Challenges be held in boats of the Cape 31 One-Design Class, and that after these two trial years the recognised Yacht Clubs of South Africa be invited to decide on the boat to be used in one or more of the following years.”

Option 3. No change. “This Club resolves that the 2019 Lipton Challenge be held in boats of the L26 Class, and that the recognised Yacht Clubs of South Africa be invited thereafter to decide on the boat to be used in one or more of the following years.”

These are the only feasible options at the moment and, should either Option 1 or 2 be favoured, the Lipton Cup will move forward and again become the high calibre event it once was – and which many are yearning to see return again.

Plus, should next year’s challenge be held in the Cape 31, the trustees have proposed a ‘Lipton Youth Challenge’ in L26s during the same week and on the same waters as the Lipton Challenge Cup.

I fully agree with intention the Trustees who state that the intention of the ‘Lipton Youth Challenge’ is “that more young sailors will be able to share in the excitement of the Lipton Challenge, enjoy a close-up view of the racing, and have a real opportunity to learn from the very best sailors in South Africa”.

These are exciting times which is the sport locally so desperately needs.

Clubs have until 21 September 2018 to cast their votes.

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