L26 Class Rules – revised 31 May 2015


The L26 Class Rules were revised by unanimous class vote on 31 May 2015.

Please download the revised class rules on the L26 Class Website here

Please note, that as per the Amendment to the Notice of Contest for Lipton 2015, these are the Class Rules that apply for Lipton this year

For your information and understanding, the revised changes are:

Revision 1:
Delete Rule 3.1.2 which reads : “The main companionway cover and foredeck hatch cover shall be supplied and fitted by the approved builder.”
Motivation :  As we no longer have approved builders, this rule is no longer relevant.  Owners need to be free to replace damaged companionway and foredeck hatches when necessary. They will of course be subject to Class Rule 1.3 which includes the provision “Any repair to, or replacement of, any part of a yacht shall be of similar type and construction (i.e. design and construction) to the original unless allowed in terms of the Class Rules or specifically authorised in writing by the Class Owners’ Association.”  There is therefore no risk to the one design character of the class if 3.1.2 is deleted.

Revision 2:
Add to rule the words “This rule should be read in conjunction with rule 1.3.”
Motivation :  Rule currently reads “The use of any material other than fibreglass, GRP resin, epoxy, wood or filler in any repair or permissible modification to, or replacement of, any part of the hull, deck or interior moulding. (This does not preclude the use of metal backing plates in high-load areas.)”.  While the materials listed are permissible, it is important to remind owners that any repair, modification or replacement is limited by the specific provisions of rule 1.3.

Revision 3:
Fix the apparent typo in the rudder outline tolerance rule, Rule  which currently reads “The leading, trailing and foot edges shall not deviate from a straight edge laid along that edge by more than 10mm.”  Replace the 10mm tolerance by a 1.0mm tolerance in this rule.
Motivation :  A tolerance of 10mm appears to have been an error, and in any event is far too large for a one-design class.

Revision 4:
Replace in Rule 3.6.2 the words “when depressed firmly” with “when a 5kg weight is attached”.
Motivation :  Rule 3.6.2 currently includes the sentence “This lower life line need not be taut but no part shall touch the upper surface of the deck or toe rail when depressed firmly midway between any two stanchions.”  The words “when depressed firmly” are too vague to be helpful to either the sailors or the scrutineers when trying to ensure that a boat complies with this rule.

Revision 5 (a):
Delete from Rule 3.6.2 the words “Where a lower life-line is fitted, crew facing outboard with their waist inside the lower lifeline may have the upper part of their body outside the upper lifeline provided that the upper thighs or buttocks shall at all times be supported by the upper horizontal surface of the deck or toe rail. The head and torso of the helmsman and any crew also facing inboard may protrude between the life-lines aft of the rear stanchions.”
Motivation :  Firstly, a rule about crew positioning doesn’t belong under the heading FIXED FITTINGS AND EQUIPMENT.  Secondly, the requirement in the first sentence is practically impossible to enforce.  Thirdly, it doesn’t deal with the fact that the traditional crew positioning on the weather rail is arguably in conflict with ISAF RRS 49.

Revision 5 (b):
1. Change the heading of Rule 7 from CREW NUMBERS to CREW NUMBERS, WEIGHT & POSITIONING.
2.  Add a Rule 7.3  “Competitors shall use no device designed to position their bodies outboard, other than hiking straps, stiffness worn under the thighs, and a lower lifeline which conforms to Rule 3.6.2.  This changes ISAF RRS 49.1.”
3.  Add a Rule 7.4. “A competitor facing outboard with his legs outboard of the gunwale and waist inside the lower lifeline may have the upper part of his body outside the upper lifeline, provided that the lower lifeline complies with Rule 3.6.2.  This changes the second sentence of ISAF RRS 49.2.”
4.  Add a Rule 7.5  “The head and torso above the waist of the helmsman and any crew also facing inboard may protrude between the upper and lower lifelines aft of the rear stanchions, provided that the lower life line complies with 3.6.2.  This changes the second sentence of ISAF RRS 49.2.”
Motivation :  Although there will in practice be no change needed to the generally accepted way of hiking on an L26, the changes to the wording make the rule easy to enforce.  The potential conflicts with the standard form of ISAF RRS 49 are removed.  There is also a slight improvement in safety – if a lower lifeline fails, the crew now have to remain inside the upper lifeline until it is repaired well enough the satisfy Rule 3.6.2.

Revision 6:
Remove the dates from the last sentence of Rule 4.3.  This sentence reads  “Definitions: Except where used in headings, when a term is printed in bold type the definition in the ISAF ERS 2013-2016 applies.”  Replace “the ISAF ERS 2013-2016 applies” with “the current ISAF ERS apply”.
Motivation :  This will save changing the rule every 4 years as the RRS and ERS are updated.

Revision 7 :
Add a preamble to Rule 6 under the existing heading MANDATORY EQUIPMENT TO BE CARRIED AND REGULATIONS TO BE OBSERVED WHILE RACING. The preamble reads “All equipment below must be fully functional.”  In addition, add the words “in-date” to Rule 6.16 so that it reads “One in-date dry powder (or equivalent) fire extinguisher of minimum capacity 1.0kg”
Motivation :  Improved safety.  It’s pointless just carrying the required equipment to comply with the rule unless it is all in-date and fully functional.

Revision 8:
Change the first sentence of Rule 7.2 from “The total weight of the crew, wearing normally acceptable swimwear, shall not exceed 420kg” to read “The total weight of the crew, wearing not less than normally acceptable swimwear, shall not exceed 420kg”.
Motivation :  Normally acceptable swimwear is not the REQUIRED clothing at a weigh-in, only the minimum clothing!

Revision 9:
Under 8 PROHIBITIONS, add a new Rule 8.16 which reads “No fuel may be carried on board other than in a tank or container specifically designed to carry fuel safely.”
Motivation :  Safety.

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