by Tim Addison
22 January 2014
Last weekend (18 and 19 January) was different to say the least. Saturday afternoon was almost flat calm, but 8 Finns were on the water and a race was eventually started – a race that is probably best forgotten, except that the techniques of sailing in almost windless conditions can be quite useful at times. On Sunday morning the wind once again failed to materialise, then it rained, and finally at about 1pm a steady 8-10 knot wind came through from the west and stayed for the rest of the afternoon. Two races were completed in near-perfect conditions, and as usual the competition was very close, especially between Rob Scott, Paul Thompson, David Humphrey, Jeremy Coutts and David Badger. Graeme Plint is beginning to find some boat speed, but he needs the company of guys like Eric (M), Carel, Bryan, Abri and Chris – you guys will all improve very quickly if you race together. The handicap prize (bar card) will be held over until the next Club Champs weekend.
As you all know, the PSC Charity Regatta will be held this weekend (25 and 26 January). The regatta is also our Highveld Championships. Please come along and enter, even if you are not able to sail in all the races. Firstly, your entry fee will contribute to an excellent cause (the National Sea Rescue Institute). Secondly we must try to retain our status as the largest class at the regatta, which will also ensure that we keep the prestigious “Lubro” trophy in the Finn class. Thirdly, it is always a really great social weekend. The Lasers have threatened to outnumber us this year, so we need everyone there…
Rob de Vlieg, a superb sailor and a well-established friend of our class, is keen to sail a Finn in the Charity Regatta. I know most of you will be sailing your boats, but if you have any suggestions or offers, please contact me as soon as possible. It would be great if we can find him a good boat to sail.
Racing is scheduled to start at 10h30 on Saturday.