MAC 24-Hour Race
Where: Table Bay Nature Reserve, Off Sandpiper Crescent, Flamingo Vlei, Tableview.
When: It starts at Midday 12h00 on Saturday 28th October & ends at 12h00 on Sunday 29 October 2017.
To enter or for more information contact Dawn at the MAC Office:
MAC Office Ph. 021 557 7090
MAC E-Mail:
MAC Website:
Sadly in March we were unable to host the MAC 24 Hour challenge due to the unfortunate Blue Green Algae water problem, which thankfully now has an official clean bill of health.
To those who had previously entered, your entries have been recorded. Please can you all resubmit your crew list in case of any changes.
For those who had not previously entered in March, now is the time to start finding your team & to enter as soon as possible, so that we have an idea of how many we have to cater for.
This is the fun event where sailors, young, old, inexperienced and the ‘Rock Stars’ compete together in an attempt to better the world record for the most kilometres sailed, non-stop in 24 hours, and also to break the S.A. record set in 2000 by Gerry Aab, which was 10kms short of the world record. We are hoping for a good turn out this year & what a better way to do it than in Spring instead of Autumn.
Entering the 24-hour is a weekend of fun and exciting sailing, where you are at the mercy of the elements, day and night. The wind in the sails takes your breath away and it doesn’t hurt when you capsize – you just get wet, but once ‘in the drink’ you might find yourself winning the trophy for the most capsizes!!! However, the N.S.R.I. will be on rescue duty for those who do capsize.
The Bridge crew and shore crew, all volunteers, are also ready, as are the various sponsors who believe that you can stay the challenge ….sailing for 24 hours, plus another hour, to prove that Nestle Bar Ones give you energy for a 25 hour day!
Remember we offer prizes to the best dressed team so start looking for those fun matching outfits/T-shirts etc. We also offer prizes for the team with the most ‘Gees’ (Spirit), perhaps start working on your support songs to sing your team members along to the front.
An exciting addition is that we are now allowing Dabchicks to participate, as long as they have two people sailing together, for safety’s sake. We hope this will encourage more youth to participate in this way. The MAC 24 Hour Challenge is open to : GP14 (non spinnaker), Enterprise, Mirror, Sonnet (new and/or wooden), Bosun, Pico, RS Q’ba, Topper Topaz (double handed), Dabchick (double handed), 420 and the Saldahna Dinghy. Any other class wishing to enter must contact the organizing committee for approval.
A minimum of six or maximum of ten sailors are allowed per team. No swapping of team members is allowed without permission from race management. Junior teams may have up to 12 crew.
Saldanha’s must ensure they have a crew of 3 on board at all times. The age limit for junior teams is 15. We are looking forward to seeing the Scouts sailing the beautiful Saldanha’s.
Please visit our Notice of Race file & study it carefully so you understand all the rules & regulations.
For this 20th Challenge, let’s get as many boats as possible on the water and prove that sailors have the stamina not to be beaten in a challenge, no matter what the weather. Remember we do allow camping for the participants, so time to get the tents out and make sure they have all their bits ‘n bobs. Please also encourage your family & friends to support the sailors during this event, Table Bay Nature Reserve have kindly allowed this to be an Open Weekend & thus there will be FREE ENTRANCE at the gate for everyone. We will also have many food stalls, MAC Galley, MAC Bar, jumping castle, Coffee stand & great music on offer to keep everyone happy & tummies filled. This is not just an event for the sailors but it is great fun for the spectators too.