Hobie Hout Bay Haul

hout bay haul

HBH 2014 Entry Form r1.4

HBH Notice of Race 2.2

As can be seen from the poster and the picture, this will be the revival of an event that was last held in the 80’s!

Many people perceive Hout Bay to be a fluky sailing venue, however the south-westerly as well as the northerly and north-westerly’s offer fantastic racing in the bay with clear, steady breezes.

Should the wind be out of the south, we will have an informal race off the beach to the bridge boat which will be anchored off Noordhoek in clear airs, thereby ensuring that no one is buried in a hole before the start of the “Haul”. If weather permits, we will sail towards Cape Point, to a rounding-mark off the old Crayfish Factory (Misty Cliffs) and return, perhaps rounding Vulcan Rock on the way back to Noordhoek and leave it to the bridge to decide as to how many windward-leeward legs to include along the Noordhoek to Longbeach stretch of the bay, before returning to the finish.

Besides the HBYC rescue Boats, we will have the NSRI on standby as they will be the main
beneficiaries of the net proceeds of this event. As this event falls a week after the Tiger Nationals we are hoping that the “Vaalies” can be persuaded to stay longer and join us.

Information from Andrew Walker – 083 274 9559 or Jeremy nel 082 564 5473.

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