book of the month - july 2014 issueSailing Magazine Book of the Month – July 2014

The Boat Cookbook – Real Food for Hungry Sailors
by Fiona Sims
Publisher: Adlard Coles Nautical

Reviewing a cook book entails not only reading, but at least trying a recipe or two, and doing so with the same restrictions that would apply in a sailboat galley.

It’s an excellent read and the two meals I tried turned out to be far more delicious than simply ‘real food for hungry sailors’ – although it was that, too!

Ms Sims has divided her book into five chapters: Galley, In Harbour, At Sea, At Home, and Booze. And, in order, she deals with kitting out for onboard cuisine; cooking up a storm at anchor; hearty grub on the high seas; preparing at home to take aboard; toddies, tipples and grog.

Interspersed with odd tips and observations, the recipes are sometimes tried and trusted, sometimes refreshingly innovative, always mouth-watering.

There are about 80 recipes, mostly her own – but there are contributions from top chefs such as Chris Galvin and Angela Harnett, and from sailing legends like Sir Robin Knox-Johnston.

In terms of critiques, the cherry on the top surely comes from world famous chef Heston Blumenthal, who says of the recipes: ‘Big, simple flavours, combined brilliantly – inventive, unpretentious and delicious’.

‘Nuff said.

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